I don't know what you did or wrote in the chat. I'm providing you with the definition of trolling and adding some comments of my own. Hopefully ecstasia will add her comments on the subject.
Slashdot definition of a troll:
(A troll is a person who posts) prank comment intended to provoke indignant (or just confused) responses. A troll might mix up vital facts or otherwise distort reality, to make readers react with helpful "corrections". Trolling is the online equivalent of intentionally dialing wrong numbers just to waste other people's time.
So Mortlock - does any of that fit? Were you posting specifically to stir things up? Were you posting lots of abuse (flaming)? Were you posting stuff that wasn't relevant to the conversation in progress? Were you contradicting everybody else's stuff? - just for your fun (playing devil's advocate). Were you posting while you were annoyed, upset or angry? (angry posts are often misunderstood) Were lots of people including ecstasia asking you to stop, shut up, leave it be, tone it down, stay on topic, quit arguing or otherwise modify your posting?
Or were you politely contributing to an online debate on a conversational level and allowing everyone else to have their opinion?