Eggman wrote:
1. HAving one for women, and one for men and women is still not fair, Women get their own but guys have to share?
But um, it's not like guys are banned from the "Women's Discussion" forum. Plenty of guys
do post there. (Some of them don't realize it until later, because the topics there are listed on the main page..) Sometimes guys have quite helpful things to say in response to Women's Discussion topics!
(My spellchecker is underlining "Women's" as incorrect. The only remotely feasible option it's giving as the "correct" word is "Womenfolk's."
)sinsboldly wrote:
Fair? It wasn't done to be fair or not fair.
Are you saying that the Women's Discussion forum needs to have its name also changed?
I guess so, 'cause apparently "Women's" isn't a word, and it's supposed to be "Womenfolk's."
Friskeygirl wrote:
they can talk
about their feelings, maybe give each other a bit of a cuddle if they are upset, or they can compare which hygienic products are best for their manly parts.
And I just hadda quote that 'cause it made me giggle..