DenvrDave wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
as I sip my coffee, I have booted up and and am patrolling for spam. There is usually from 10 to 30 new 'members' that want desparately to tell WP members about their herbal viagra, their amazing new work at home scheme, their pornographic websites or their new miracle cure for corns, calluses, bunions, autism, neuritis, neuralgia and sore feet.
then I check out the titles on the front page. My rule of thumb is it should be SFW (Safe for Work) so I try to keep it 'business casual'. Then I check my PMs to see if any of our fine members have issues and problems and fix or edit or whatever and then PM them back telling them what resolution I applied. Then I go to the Discussion Forum and read the latest. I also go to our deep dark hideaway and read the posts that the other moderators have left about their spam patrol, member's concerns and alerts, etc. We mostly discuss how to keep the old merry-go-round rotating on its axis, and generally give each other moral support. Working for the common good unites us. The mod team can get fairly animated in discussions on how to handle situations but we reach consensus on an issue before we act on the behalf of the membership.
wow, that sounds really boring! but it is
not, honest!
PS that is just what I do
before I go to work for 8 hours . I do the same thing when I come home from work and then before I go to bed. So three times a day I make my rounds, and usually all day and night over the weekends. It is a habit, so I don't mind
Merle, thank you so much for sharing a glimpse of what its like being a WP mod. I'm curious: approximately how many hours per day on average do you put into being a mod? Also, THANK YOU!
PS (sorry to the OP for this off-topic post, but...I'm just curious is all)
oh, I don't mind. I never really got anyone that was interested in knowing what I did do on WP.
it is from 5 AM to 5:40 AM and then another check around until 6:23 when I have to run for the bus to go to work( I usually connect with Lau about this time as he works in the afternoon in the UK and he is preparing for work, too.) When I come home (about 4:25 PM)I am on from 4:30PM (gotta love up my cat after a long day away, of course) I log back into WP and usually mod until about 11:PM, then back up at 5 AM and do it all again.
On the weekend, I usually get up on Sat at 5AM as well, and have my coffee and mod for an hour then go back to bed till 9AM then log in and mod, do my laundry and mod, do my dishes and mod, do my floors and vacuum and mod, watch movies and mod, make dinner and lunches for the week and mod until 11PM Sunday night, then the week starts again.
I like routine, evidently.
so counting up the hours is something I never did because I didn't want to know, actually. So 37.5 hours a week at night, 5 hours a week in the morning, 2 hours for both weekend days in the morning and 14 hours a day on weekends times 2. ..
maybe 72 hours a week? Sounds about right. And that is just me, the other mods are on in their time zones, too. Spam never sleeps
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon