Corin wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
Lot of people get booted from chat for no reason from what I have heard. I bet people throw out whomever they don't like because it's their room.
The ops of #wrongplanet act fairly and aren't prone to ban or kick people who they simply don't like. However, we don't tend to like many trolls, you know?
Does any know how to report a thread to the wp moderators, by the way?
One of my friends was thrown out of there for no reason and he wasn't even trolling. I forget what happened in it. He even made a thread about it here because it was one of the current WP mods that did it. Even one of my other friends was banned from the chat for no reason and he never trolled there. He was made fun of and ridiculed there and impersonated all because of his interests in children shoes and longalls and the fact he has emotions and social skills of a four year old. Now he hates lot of aspies and says they are all judgmental. I have seen complaints about the WP chat about "trolls" being in there and them getting away with it. I just tell my friends and everyone else lot of people get kicked out of the chat room for no reason so they know they aren't alone and it's pretty common so they feel better and get over it and not let it bother them. But the times I have been in there, I never saw any issues in there except I found one person annoying and that was it and I have never been booted from chat ever. I did see someone keeping on getting kicked out of the room because of his proxy IP but that is pretty common. Some places don't want members with a proxy IP because it usually means they are up to no good. I guess I have been lucky or I don't go in there often enough nor do I participate often enough. It's been maybe a few months now since I have last been in there.
To report a thread, you can post it in the moderator section here or PM the thread to one of the mods.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.