I asked this in IRC but I thought I'd double check. I wondered what the rule was regarding multiple accounts? This is now my third account on here, and it's the one that I'm planning on using. I was indecisive about my user name. I have yet to become an active member here and I have used the other two accounts only sparingly (I posted a few times in one thread with my first account, and I have sent a PM to at least one member with another account) and they will not be used again.
I know that multiple accounts are usually a bad thing, but I want to make it clear that I have no bad intentions. I want to introduce myself but I don't want to take the time and effort to write an introduction if I'm going to be banned for breaking a rule. I don't have anything to hide, and I'm quite happy to tell everybody what my other user names were (I have already told people on IRC what they are).
So, basically, am I okay to use this account?