hyperlexian wrote:
moved from Getting to know each other to WrongPlanet.net discussion
the moderators are currently discussing the chatroom situation. although it is connected to the main WP site, it's sort of distinct and has its own culture and guidance. but there are an increasing number of concerns coming forward and since it's affiliated with WP we are thinking about where to go from here.
can you please let us know about this discussion, so we can contribute etc. Many of us are trying to create a positive environment in the IRC channel
A lot of the problems stem from other channels created on the network (anyone is free to start their own channel), and then people bringing their arguments from there into #wp.
Another issue is that users have problems with the channel but don't discuss them with the channel ops, this happens surprisingly often. It is hard for us to fix issues when people have a problem, discuss the problem in their own offshoot channels, create petitions about their problems, but don't even once consider messaging an operator or the bot we have in channel that will echo messages to the ops. We can't help resolve issues if we don't know what they are.
It is also infeasible, nor should it be encouraged, to forbid users from making their own offshoot communities after initially meeting in #wp.
-caramel, #wrongplanet op for 1.5 years
Couple of edits:
-try going to webchat.freenode.net and type in #wrongplanet for the channel if the java app from
www.wrongplanet.net is not working for you.
-personally I would love to try and sort out any long standing issues if others are open to contacting me. I'll try to remember to log into the forums daily, otherwise PM me on irc.