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18 Feb 2014, 3:27 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
That very specific disclaimer(s) are needed for an ASD forum seems self evident. When a person registers a set of rules,guidelines, and disclaimers should be displayed. After reading it the candidate should be given these choices: they understand and accept the guidelines, They do not understand some of the guidelines followed by a text box for questions, They do not wish to become a member.

That's "Website 101" philosophy -- abide by the rules or don't bother joining; but I'm not proposing any new rules.

ASPartOfMe wrote:
We have a group of members that distrust professionals while others believe only professional advice is legitimate. And there are others like me that believe there are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. Right now as mentioned this is a peer driven site leaving the professional only group frustrated. Newbies seeking comfort and advice from peers are being steered towered professionals. While in my view being steered towered professionals is a good thing it may not be the what the newbie is seeking AT THIS TIME. The member may well be have an eventual goal of professional diagnosis but is at an early stage of inquiry or it is unaffordable.

I'm not trying to ban any form of unqualified diagnosis (even self-diagnosis). What I am trying to do is suggest a disclaimer that will mitigate any potential legal or civil liability against Alex Plank or the moderators who represent him. Imagine what could happen if some self-appointed "expert" gave an unqualified diagnosis to someone seeking answers, and that the 'someone' became so distraught over what he or she was told that he or she committed suicide. Alex could be sued for being somehow negligent in providing a safe place for Aspies to seek advice.

With even a simple disclaimer of "Owner is not responsible for the behavior of this website's members", Alex could (theoretically) mitigate most (if not all) liability for someone else's unqualified diagnosis. Of course, he might still be subpoena-ed for evidence in an investigation and trial of a person whose unqualified diagnosis led to the suicide of a depressed individual.

ASPartOfMe wrote:
I do not know if such a thing is affordable or doable but if possible maybe we can have ASD specialist(s) answer questions or a specialist driven section to compliment the peer driven sections.

Such a specialist would have to perform at least one personal interview in situ with a person before declaring that the person being interviewed indeed had an ASD.

All I'm trying to do is advise Alex and the moderators how they might best keep their posterior regions out of civil litigation.


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25 Feb 2014, 2:48 pm

I do not think an online diagnosis even by a specialist would be considered legitimate. But what I had in mind is something similar to what you have on the radio where a doctor answers call in and online questions. I our case it would be an ASD specialist expert in ASD in all genders, ages etc. It could be a helpline type setup. We have Autism TV here. I assume they would need disclaimers also. I have no knowledge of the legalities involved and it is not my money that would pay for it.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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Snowy Owl

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28 Feb 2014, 11:11 am

Is there any way to implement an option to sort the posts when visiting a particular forum (such as by number of replies)?

Also - is there any chance that a mobile app could be developed/implemented?


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15 Mar 2014, 8:22 pm

I just had to pay a lot of money to install AdBlock so I wouldn't have to be subjected to flashing images (adds) when using this site. Considering how many ASD people have sensory issues, allowing this site to have flashing images/auto loading audio commercials and the like is a peculiar kind of cruelty.

I think I may decide that this place is not where I want to spend time anymore as whoever runs it does not appear to have any respect for whoever uses it.


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15 Mar 2014, 10:35 pm

The ability to sort though your searches by most recent and most discussed

If possible a way to post art, videos and stories. music, ect and to comment on them.

I understand you might be unable to do complex stuff like upload videos or pictures ( although it would be nice to post a video and not have to upload it on YouTube because I only want to share it on wp)

Basicly what I mean is an area to show off the talents of autistic people

A sub foum in GAD for people asking about a diagnoses or similar.

A main general fourm that is not about autism but not like random dissuasion or off the wall but like a catch all

A thread discussing topics that you would like to hear discussed on wp.

A email notification telling when you posts went though to prevent double posting

Thanks for your time :D

Your Aspie score: 192 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 9 of 200 You are very likely an Aspie PDD assessment score= 172 (severe PDD)
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17 Mar 2014, 7:08 am

How about a keyword search? Also, a way for members to add subject tags to posts so they can be searched for by the tags?

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA. ;-)

The link to the forum is


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25 Mar 2014, 6:41 am

So... I have a suggestion... when someone creates a link... the text is indistinguishable from the body text of the post... I think that should be changed...

Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.


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25 Mar 2014, 9:25 am

Feralucce wrote:
So... I have a suggestion... when someone creates a link... the text is indistinguishable from the body text of the post... I think that should be changed...

That can be changed quite easily.
If you want your link to stand out put it on bold
If you want your link to stand out put it on italics


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25 Mar 2014, 9:32 am

leafplant wrote:
I just had to pay a lot of money to install AdBlock so I wouldn't have to be subjected to flashing images (adds) when using this site. Considering how many ASD people have sensory issues, allowing this site to have flashing images/auto loading audio commercials and the like is a peculiar kind of cruelty.

I think I may decide that this place is not where I want to spend time anymore as whoever runs it does not appear to have any respect for whoever uses it.

Adblock is literally free to use as are several alternatives.

If by any chance you were unable to google how to block ads from a website and do a bit of research/ Ask here(several members have done so and we gladly directed them there) and you choose to contact an outsider about it first there is very little we can do about it


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25 Mar 2014, 9:33 am

Or (re. highlighting links) as worked examples with a URL:

Check out this site here - it should look familiar.
Check out this site here - it should look familiar.
Check out this site here - it should look familiar.

Written in the post as:

Check out [url=][color=blue]this site[/color][/url] here - it should look familiar.
Check out [url=][color=blue][b]this site[/b][/color][/url] here - it should look familiar.
Check out [url=][color=blue][i]this site[/i][/color][/url] here - it should look familiar.

True - it should happen automatically, but... :shrug:

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25 Mar 2014, 9:41 am

jenisautistic wrote:
If possible a way to post art, videos and stories. music, ect and to comment on them.

Share your :

jenisautistic wrote:
( although it would be nice to post a video and not have to upload it on YouTube because I only want to share it on wp).

Have a look at privacy settings on youtube.
One of the many options is to make a video private/only accesible through a link you may post here.
Someone could share that link elsewhere but they could also take your video from a standard website player and do the same(one of the downsides of jdownloader and similar thingies)
jenisautistic wrote:
Basicly what I mean is an area to show off the talents of autistic people

That area is here

jenisautistic wrote:
A thread discussing topics that you would like to hear discussed on wp.

You/anyone can create said thread right now and if it gets enough attention from people it shall be stickied at the top of a section.


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25 Mar 2014, 11:14 am

Oh, I know... but most people don't know that... and it seems that the code should automatically do it... I know the work around, but it can be confusing for new members

Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.


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05 May 2014, 3:51 pm

I'd like to see a new word filter added: Asperger's > Aspergers


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05 May 2014, 3:53 pm

Kuribo wrote:
I'd like to see a new word filter added: Asperger's > Aspergers

Good idea. I'll do it now...

I've left WP indefinitely.


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08 May 2014, 9:55 am

Thanks. :)

If only Cornflake would add that Like button to the forum...


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08 May 2014, 9:59 am

Kuribo wrote:
Thanks. :)

If only Cornflake would add that Like button to the forum...

That is beyond both (a) our remit and (b) our access to the site software. Adding a word filter is easy and within the realms of action for site admins (me and cornflake) but programming changes are solely in the realms of Alex... and the site software is barely limping along as it is so he would be extremely unlikely to tinker with it.

I've left WP indefinitely.