Helllo friends. I appreciate the support. Thank you. Sounds like I am not alone. As a webmaster myself, I happen to know that changing the color scheme is actually quite easy to do; it is merely a matter of aesthetic will, I agree that we should not be the ones making these suggestions as well, but tell me if I am wrong: Having to educate people about things I should not have to educate people about is status quo for me. Nonetheless, this comment resonated with me. And adding lines would not slow anything down by more than a nanosecond; for that matter, there are already lines: They are white and gray (and, by the way, yes, I have noticed the background is off-white (extreme sensory "impairments" are part of my diagnosis)), so changing the color of the lines would create no difference; the code does not have to think harder about whether to add white or another color line.
Ps. Yes, I am aware I have an obsession with semicolons; please don't judge me! I punctuate how it sounds in my head. And I am an English teacher.