On Reporting
I worry about that too, I'm afraid that the noise to signal ratio is going to go up significantly, and that we might consider running with an extra mod or two in the future in order to handle it. I also think we might think about having a mod or two who exclusively deal with spam, as that's pretty cut and dried, and could help take pressure off the core team who have to make the actual judgment calls.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
^exactly. that's been my main concern ever since the main mod exodus last month. an increasing amount of pressure (linear or exponential?) goes on the individual mods whenever the team shrinks, and yeah, the workload isn't getting any smaller.
i don't think there's anything that says that each mod has to do the same things (given their available tools) so i'm in favor of that.
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I've always been in favor of forum specific mods, since different forums have different norms and cultures, and having mods focused on specific areas would make for more nuanced decisions and less friction when it seems like the rules suddenly changed or are being enforced differentially. Really, it's only PPR, L&D, News, and Autism Politics that need specialists, the rest combined probably don't generate the volume of issues that any one of those forums do, with L&D leading the way.
At the moment we really just need more mods, and frankly I'm drawing a blank on anyone I'd consider nominating for the job, since I think it requires a certain temperament and activity level, and preferably a few years on the board.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
I was a mod on a forum with a report post function, and it does not mean that mods need to manually approve/disapprove posts. And they would not need any more training then they have now in how to deal with reported posts. It might even make it easer to review reported posts, but also more easier for people to make false reports.
Last edited by Sigbold on 25 Nov 2014, 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
While most members appear to be unaware of it this is included in the rules under behaviour intended to provoke or belittle other members(I see no reason to start diagnosing someone mid argument than an attempt to get a rise out of them/mockery).
This gaslighting happens a lot because its hardly ever reported and the site appears to be extremely understaffed so the only posts that the mods get to work on are those that are reported.
I agree with your post, and am glad you made this point in a public post, so that people can benefit from it. There is way too much knee jerk reaction to people with opposing views from ones own. Yes, I don't care for views in opposition to my own,sometimes to the point of some resentment, but that doesn't make the opposer automatically a bad person. It's not a hate crime, or racist, etc. for me or an opposer to me, to express a different opinion. I am really fed up with the people who shout "hate crime", or "racist" every time someone says something they don't agree with. It prevents reasonable conversations from occurring, and keeps the hate merry-go-round going in circles.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau
to this day, i haven't had to "approve/disapprove" a single post. i only get reports.
yes. we can't be everywhere at once, some of us have particular board preferences over others, and personal lives as well, so we really rely on the reports (both on the mod attention thread and via the report button) to bring worrying/questionable content to light. even more so given the small size of the team.
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