tried to change my avatar today to a pic of my niece. shows up fine on my profile but it hasn't 'translated' onto here. huh.
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
Earlier on, I remember having trouble logging in, and when I was able to log in, it wouldn't let me reply to any posts or post any topics, at least not on my desktop. I was able to post and reply on my phone, however. I thought it had something to do with some of the addons I had installed on Pale Moon, but disabling them didn't do a thing for me.
it's almost the opposite with me, i never get automatically logged out on desktop, phone is a different matter.
this morning on mobile, i was logged in when i first accessed wp, i refreshed and i was still logged in, but it logged me out when i went to post.
i logged back in again, did my business and closed the tab. another tab i opened beforehand had me logged out, and i thought i would be logged in automatically if i refreshed but no...i was asked to log in again.
4 times!
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