The way I view it is, yeah, for reproductive purposes, homosexuality is "wrong" (if you want to use that word)...obviously they cannot produce offspring with one another, so why they would want to be together seems strange, as one of the primary purposes of life is to generate more of itself, and not only to survive but, ideally, to flourish. Homosexuality on the surface seems to run counter to this basic drive. But is it morally wrong? Not in my view. I view it as a form of natural population control, which at this point I think is needed. (Also they are more likely to adopt, I assume, than heterosexual couples. Take care of the kids that are already here, don't make more!) My guess is that if a study were to be done (perhaps it has, I should research this, though I don't know if the study would even be possible), we would find that there is a greater percentage of homosexuals today than at any other point in human history. Of course, like I said, this is a guess, mere speculation. But I don't think it's totally unlikely, or illogical to view homosexuality as a way to naturally curb population growth, which at this point seems to be detrimental to the whole. Also I think it is a part of the blurring of the line between the sexes. Today most men are more feminine than ever, and most women are more masculine than ever, which I don't view as a negative thing. I think it indicates greater harmony within the species, and within individuals (i.e. not supressing the anima/animus, but using it to one's advantage.)
(I hope I have not offended anyone with this post. I will say again, I do not view homosexuality as morally wrong, I am merely speculating as to the possible reasons for it, and why it seems to be becoming more prevalent.)
I try to prevent my ego from obscuring my greatness.