I don't want to see this server/channel.. I HAVE to.
IRC opping is hardly rocket science. Running a channel smoothly is even less complex. It sounds like there are some fairly obvious flaws in your basic rules and guidelines, and apparently in your op selection as well. I'd have to look to be sure.
What's all this bitching about logging channels? Logs should be standard and timestamped. It saves so much hassle. Also, nothing said in a public forum (in the classical sense of the word) is private. Its like shouting in a library.
Probationary periods? Half-opping? Temp-opping? Decent communications between ops (do you have a channel ops room?) and the IRCops ... (is there any?) Server Ops anywhere? Is there an Oper Help channel?
Decent coverage of timezones for ops? Like the forum, you need a good spread.
Well designed bots.. they can easily akick for bod stuff (flooding, spamming, verboten words) .. or language filters? All available IRC tools... I'm assuming here that you're aiming for a vaguely PG, vaguely child-friendly channel. Do you have any process or precaution for potential grooming, or other noncery?
Teaching Ops how to use their abilities would probably help. From what I recall, some of the ban formats I've seen used are pretty damn poor and ineffective. (As posted here by log).
And I wouldn't advise locking this thread, because it seems like the chat lacks a decent way of handling complaints or issues, and it wouldnt appear that this really comes under the "not discussing bans" rule for THIS forum.
Which leads me to a variant query: Can we get a refinement on that rule here, because I dunno about discussing bans or banned members, but it seems that many users are oft frustrated by their inability to even get a decent explanation? Semantics perhaps, but for some, its a worry.
I do hope that you explain why people are being banned on the IRC better than happens on the forum, because thats a fast way to create discontent, and f*****g with IRC is so much easier than f*****g with a forum. At a basic level, a disgruntled chatter can cause vast amounts of damage....
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]