FMX wrote:
Is everyone getting this "Checking your browser before accessing" page regularly?
Yes, probably.
FMX wrote:
What's more annoying is that I get "broken" images because of it (eg. for post and forum icons), because my browser doesn't follow that redirect page when loading an image. Is everyone else getting this, too?
Broken images actually have nothing to do with Cloudflare, it appears that something actually broke the images on the source server. I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.
MrGrumpy wrote:
I would guess that WrongPlanet earns money from allowing CloudFlare to advertise itself on the site. And who are we to complain about that?
Um, no. In fact it's the opposite, Alex pays CloudFlare for their service.
But the suggestion that we are in some way 'protected' (free of charge) by the CloudFare input does not ring true - if that were the case, then why do we not enjoy its advantages on every other forum-based website?
Cloudflare doesn't protect *you*. It protects the WP infrastructure, and my network.
MrGrumpy wrote:
These are pretty pictures, but they were designed by the marketing department. Slow pipes? Fast pipes? CloudFlare's Globally Distributed Network? These words are meaningless.
Ok, let me clear things up for you. Cloudflare is a globally distributed varnish cache designed to minimize the routing cost between client and server. Additionally, they provide a fully stateful web application firewall and HTTP request/response compression and HTTP pipelining across multiple user sessions.
Nothing posted here should be construed as the opinion or position of my company, or an official position of WrongPlanet in any way, unless specifically mentioned.