I'm leaving WP indefinitely
My main reason for leaving is all the technical problems with the site. Principally a problem with CloudFlare which keeps wanting me to solve a captcha before it will allow me to gain access to the site, sometimes several times a day. HOWEVER, it often doesn't even show me the captcha it wants me to solve!! !! ! Thus making the site totally inaccessible! CloudFlare often bans me from WP for several hours or even a day or more. This problem has been coming and going for some time now and I'm sick to death of it.
The problems caused by CloudFlare on top of all ongoing site error messages. broken moderator / admin tools and slow pages make WP a chore for me to visit and use. There are a number of alternative sites to WP and frankly, in my opinion, the remaining members would all be better off migrating to one or more of those other sites rather than continuing to put up with this shoddy, ill maintained site.

I don't understand this AT ALL!
I don't know what cloud flare is and I don't care!
everybody on WP is here because they are emotional beings that find here something here that is NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE!
This is the Aspergers curse...
we are failures and let downs and f**k wits
I am sorry Tallyman
we are and always will be the sorrymen!
Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle

Joined: 7 Dec 2011
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 2,044
Location: In my room, where it's safe
Sad to see you go, Tallyman...I always enjoyed reading your posts, and you always helped me when I posted about problems I was having in the technical section of the forum. I wish you all the best!
I wish Sterling Holloway narrated my life.
"IT'S NOT FAIR!" "Life isn't fair, Calvin." "I know, but why isn't it ever unfair in MY favor?" ~ from Calvin and Hobbes
Sorry to see you go, Tallyman. Apparently the technical problems will come to an end soon. I hope you'll be back then!
BOLTZ 17/3 2012 - 12/11 2020
Beautiful, sweet, gentle, playful, loyal
simply the best and one of a kind
love you and miss you, dear boy
Stop the wolf kills! https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeact ... 3091429765
Sorry if I?m stating the obvious, but ?
? the captchas seem to be provided by Google, and I?ve noticed ?captchas with no captcha? crop up at those times when, if you try to do a Google search, Google decides it can?t trust you?re human and doesn?t show you the results, nor does it give you a chance to get them by solving a captcha, as it does other times.
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.
My main reason for leaving is all the technical problems with the site. Principally a problem with CloudFlare which keeps wanting me to solve a captcha before it will allow me to gain access to the site, sometimes several times a day. HOWEVER, it often doesn't even show me the captcha it wants me to solve!! !! ! Thus making the site totally inaccessible! CloudFlare often bans me from WP for several hours or even a day or more. This problem has been coming and going for some time now and I'm sick to death of it.
The problems caused by CloudFlare on top of all ongoing site error messages. broken moderator / admin tools and slow pages make WP a chore for me to visit and use. There are a number of alternative sites to WP and frankly, in my opinion, the remaining members would all be better off migrating to one or more of those other sites rather than continuing to put up with this shoddy, ill maintained site.

I don't understand this AT ALL!
I don't know what cloud flare is and I don't care!
everybody on WP is here because they are emotional beings that find here something here that is NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE!
This is the Aspergers curse...
we are failures and let downs and f**k wits
I am sorry Tallyman
we are and always will be the sorrymen!
I don't care about cloud flare either but really if he needs to go, let's all wish him farewell.
He's not leaving because we should be providing him something and we aren't, but because he needs a break for whatever reason.
Some mods are still staying.
My main reason for leaving is all the technical problems with the site. Principally a problem with CloudFlare which keeps wanting me to solve a captcha before it will allow me to gain access to the site, sometimes several times a day. HOWEVER, it often doesn't even show me the captcha it wants me to solve!! !! ! Thus making the site totally inaccessible! CloudFlare often bans me from WP for several hours or even a day or more. This problem has been coming and going for some time now and I'm sick to death of it.
The problems caused by CloudFlare on top of all ongoing site error messages. broken moderator / admin tools and slow pages make WP a chore for me to visit and use. There are a number of alternative sites to WP and frankly, in my opinion, the remaining members would all be better off migrating to one or more of those other sites rather than continuing to put up with this shoddy, ill maintained site.

I don't understand this AT ALL!
I don't know what cloud flare is and I don't care!
everybody on WP is here because they are emotional beings that find here something here that is NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE!
This is the Aspergers curse...
we are failures and let downs and f**k wits
I am sorry Tallyman
we are and always will be the sorrymen!
I don't care about cloud flare either but really if he needs to go, let's all wish him farewell.
He's not leaving because we should be providing him something and we aren't, but because he needs a break for whatever reason.
Some mods are still staying.
I take time off all the time!
WP is a hard place to be
Tallyman I salute you for selfless service
and I honour you by saying
If I could have done what you did I would have,
but I didn't and couldn't have
that was your role to play
your performance was exemplary
Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle
He's not leaving because we should be providing him something and we aren't, but because he needs a break for whatever reason.
Some mods are still staying.
Something is wrong on Wrong Planet however. Lexi, Puddingmouse, Tallyman, Cornflake, Viper and where's Spongy? This was most of the core holding it together. One person 'taking a break' ok. Three together... is something else. There have also been some recent bannings of very active/involved members. I know that can't be discussed but it leaves people wondering what is going on. I have no doubt the remaining Mods can and will do well, but that is not the point really. When people leave en-masse it means an underlying problem, and just replacing them does not fix it.
Thank you for all your work on WP, Tallyman. I hope you enjoy your newly found leisure time!
CloudFlare eating your posts? Try the Lazarus browser extension. See https://wp-fmx.github.io/WP/
If you don't know Cloudflare yet, count yourself lucky! Last year there was a period where it required captcha for most posts I tried to post. At times the dang thing gives me captcha I can't even read, especially when I send long PMs, or it tells me the recipient doesn't exist. When CloudFlare is at its worst, anyone would feel like leaving, at least temporarily.
WP is a hard place to be

I only takes breaks when the posts get too repetitive for me (and that will happen with the large number of people coming and going). But I don't find it a hard place to be at all.
BOLTZ 17/3 2012 - 12/11 2020
Beautiful, sweet, gentle, playful, loyal
simply the best and one of a kind
love you and miss you, dear boy
Stop the wolf kills! https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeact ... 3091429765
I know that I do not have the abilities to do the altruistic voluntary job that you and the other Mods did, under what seems to be inadequate working conditions. I can see that I?m not alone in recognising the value of your time and energy, I respect that and do not take it for granted, many thanks.
Peace and Good Health Tallyman
Alex, can you help me to understand why Tallyman left the site?
I mean, from your perspective.
You obviously had a lot of confidence in him, given that you allowed him to be the Site Admin.
Was it his fault that the site was a "shoddy, ill-maintained site"?
As a Site Admin was he supposed to maintain the site?
If it was not his responsibility, then who was responsible?
You see, Alex, I'm very sad that he has left and I'm searching for answers.
I'm sure you have interacted with him behind the scenes and I would like you to share your insights.
Of course you can reply to me in this thread or via PM, it is up to you.
Thanks, Alex, I look forward to your perspective.
I really wish I could show empathy to all the moderators leaving lately, with alex speaking about the site upgrades in a few weeks I don't understand the impatience. Also, with google chrome, I have absolutely no problems loading this site.
I get this site has it's technical shortcomings, some of the ADs in the past have been obnoxious or caused slow loading, among other broken parts of the site, but I can post and browse with very minimal issues, and said issues aren't really a burden to me.
I wish you luck Mr. Tally man, you've been a positive influence to the autism community, and I hope you re-consider should the site improvements prove that you can browse the site efficiently again.
If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.