aylissa wrote:
Personally, I would just like to know why it happens. I like to know why, as an aspie I find that is a fairly typical trait.
Same. Simply knowing why it happened would likely be enough for me to simply not think about it further.
ooohprettycolors wrote:
If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be able to talk to each other or complain about this site at all.
I only included the last line, but nice try at a guilt trip. Nobody expects perfection. Anyone that does is being unreasonable. As for whether or not he does an excellent job, that's a matter of opinion. We are all aware it can't be a full-time job for him, as he is in school. Thanks for the reminder though.
It is amusing how you say he spends so much time on this site, even when he should be in class, then you also say he does lots of other things with his life. While not mutually exclusive, they aren't the most logical combination.
The big thing is, if people heard from him from time to time, and on something significant, not him correcting someone (or trying) or posting stuff like the meth poster images, people would likely be less demanding. If we know more about what's going on in the background, even as little as a two minute post's worth made once a month, we could appreciate his efforts more. I know, I know, you will likely try to make even
that out to be too demanding.