Question a Mod's decisions, here.....
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Yes, this is exactly it, as well. I have actually seen Alex say to a user "In case you're too lazy" (this was less than a year, ago, and he was saying "in case you're too lazy to look-up the definition"; hence, going-against his OWN rule, of not attacking a user), and I almost fell-over, when I read that; because, as I said, before, I feel one should lead, by example----and, if the leader doesn't, then, yes, I feel the Mods will get the idea that they can talk to the users, any way they want, as well, and HAVE (as I said, before, giving the impression, that "I'M right, cuz I'm in-charge----and, most of what you say, matters, little, because of that").
Edit: 1st edit, was to make another comment; 2nd edit, was to delete that comment, because Alex, then, posted after me, and I didn't want people thinking he had ignored, that part.
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
Last edited by Campin_Cat on 28 Jun 2017, 1:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The mods are doing a thankless job of keeping the forums running smoothly. You don't see a lot of what they do. When they do catch the spam in time, no one notices it. And their job is not really supposed to be to constantly fight spam, it's to foster a positive forum environment by addressing issues that arise between members.
As I mentioned, I have taken steps to limit the spamming so hopefully you won't see it much anymore.
As far as being communicative, I am saying that I will respond so try and see what happens.
Keep in mind this site has over 100,000 registered members and we get 20,000 visitors a day so it is hard for me to respond to every single request but I will do my best.
I don't want users to feel like they are being attacked or talked down to by moderators so let's try to create a dialogue to actually change things that people see are issues here.
I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:
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The mods are doing a thankless job of keeping the forums running smoothly. You don't see a lot of what they do. When they do catch the spam in time, no one notices it. And their job is not really supposed to be to constantly fight spam, it's to foster a positive forum environment by addressing issues that arise between members. [
No one is trying to copy spam because no one cares that much about the issue.
I don't want users to feel like they are being attacked or talked down to by moderators so let's try to create a dialogue to actually change things that people see are issues here.
One major issue which if measured correctly, should allow the right moderator to make decisions based on their own dialogue and not ransom someone else to do so.
If I were a mod, I'd attempt to serve the people what they want, like acting in peoples best interests, but of course, spam is the latest news grinder to hit our silver screens, and mowed down the encore from passers by.
What happened to pride before humanity? Liberty with compassion and the authority to act kindly?
I'm not a mod though,so these measures will never be implemented, and this site will be forever vindicated.
I'm not sure how important it is to force an opinion that grants little respect and its only thankless because no one gets any praise or reward.
This site has lost its key trade supply for equal diversity, so i expect no more members can join the club unless someone in authority speaks up, besides saying Welcome!
The rest, is down to the users and you know it. Spam or no spam. If you're trying to upset and pick on users because
your board is lacking any middle ground, maybe invest in reimplementing past favours.
Why is any of us giving our airtime when the real privacy issues have been technically aborted and hallmarked for cloudfare failure on all mobile aps and most people have to live with s**t all their lives, maybe some of you who are exploiting peoples concerns and wishes can learn to agree more with the whole forum, unless a riot breaks out and society takes a dim view of it.
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Yes, that's why I gave the information, in the OP, about my being a Mod, on another site, so that it would be understood, that I understand what they do----and, to save time.....
Yes, I acknowledged, already, that I saw where you had said this----and, again, to save time.....
Yes, you already said this.....
I think this needs context..... As for the 100K, a HUGE fraction of those, are people who have registered, but have ZERO posts (so, I wouldn't consider them, like, real members); another huge fraction do NOT post on a regular basis, and/or, haven't been here, for YEARS. As for the 20K, I doubt they are unique visitors----there is a large number of people who come here several times, a day (myself, included); and, even if they are unique visitors, I really don't think all 20K, are writing to you. Don't get me wrong, I realize the amount of work that's involved in having / maintaining a site, but.....
Well, with-all-due-respect, Alex, then, why do you, yourself, do it (put people down - I've already given an example)? You get away with it, with alot of people; they say: "Well, he owns the site, he can do whatever he wants". That may be their way of brushing-it-off, because it's common knowledge that alot of ASDers don't like confrontation; or, to be quite frank, because they're kissing your butt.....
In actuality, they ARE correct in that you should be able to do whatever you want----BUT, I don't feel that should include being disrespectful of people (either in the way I feel you were being disrespectful in the previously posted quote, of yours; or, in the way I feel you haven't addressed people's concerns, on this thread, regarding the Mods----OR, for-that-matter, the way I feel you were being disrespectful of all the people who complained about all the white, on this site, a year-and-a-half [IIRC], BEFORE it went live [this is when you had posted the pics of what the new site was gonna look like - and, yes, we know you said that people complained about other colors; but, I doubt it was as many]; and, there's been other stuff)----and, again, it's no wonder that a couple of Mods have gotten the idea that they, TOO, can address users any way that they want / DO anything they want.
Don't you see, Alex..... You have said that this is a "support site"----and, alot of people who come here are expecting that support, and alot of that support comes-from people who genuinely care, and SHOW that they care; and, we have alot of those----but, for the LEADER, of all people, to NOT show that (and people have been complaining about this, for YEARS)----and then, for them to not feel like they're getting it from the leader's helpers, EITHER, well..... It's quite sad, really.....
Yes, that's why this thread was created----but, again, I don't feel you've addressed the concerns, already posted on this thread, like:
-- Do you think that it's okay for the Mods to inject their personal opinions, when modding?
-- Do you think there's no reason why the Mods should give an explanation, when they modify people's posts----or, lock a thread? (Surely, being an Aspie, yourself, you understand others wanting detail, and the answer to the question, "Why?" [why a user's comment was modified, or a thread, locked].)
-- Do you think it's perfectly acceptable for the Mods to be biased, in the actions they take?
-- Why haven't you addressed the user, on this thread, who showed concern for so many European members, getting banned? (We see where you addressed the user who asked about others getting banned; but, you didn't address the user who asked, specifically, about European users.)
-- Do you think it's perfectly acceptable for a Mod to be involved in a "run-in" with a user----and, that that user feels it's because the Mod disagreed with his opinion?
-- Does it not concern you that a user feels that other users' faith has been tried?
All very valid questions, IMO, from posters on this thread----and, NONE of which, you have addressed; so, if you could, please.....
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
Its difficult to avoid any bias from mods, i think, and then it can always be percieved as such anyway,
personally i see to much liberties for the obvious (professional) shills, who on top of that get to be on the preferential side in disputes too often, at the 'detriment' of less 'instructed' or 'verbal' users, be it political or medical!
You can't avoid attracting that, but there should be some reigning in imho, and in the same time we see newcomers who express themselves differently, getting harsh judgements from the mods, that's totally unneccessairy, again imo
+ + a lot of catering to a certain group of complainers!
personally...i am of the belief that removal of the sheer amount of spam we recently have been getting, has taken precious time and energy away from the mods WP time, that could otherwise have been dedicated to dealing with the REAL user issues at hand and maintaining a healthy forum environment.
obviously, it's not the whole story, but i believe it's a factor worth considering no matter how minor.
cat, i cannot help but feel a sense of blame and inadequacy when i read this:
the mod team has been due for some fresh members for a while now. i know there has been a longstanding taboo on this site against members openly "volunteering" for a mod position, immediately disqualifying themselves in that way.
but now that things are the way they are, i don't think that is such a bad thing (not that i previously thought it was...) and we may have overlooked some otherwise great potential mods in doing that.
הייתי צוללת עכשיו למים
הכי, הכי עמוקים
לא לשמוע כלום
לא לדעת כלום
וזה הכל אהובי, זה הכל.
the moderators aren't overly impressionable children. (anymore)
i remember seeing this, and i had essentially the same reaction. i have confidence in their ability to distance themselves from the "leader" whenever said leader may say something inappropriate, hopefully this confidence isn't misplaced.
הייתי צוללת עכשיו למים
הכי, הכי עמוקים
לא לשמוע כלום
לא לדעת כלום
וזה הכל אהובי, זה הכל.
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I SOOOO agree with this!!
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
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Okay, first, lemme just say that that comment had NOTHING to do with you, PERSONALLY, as a Mod, as I feel you FARRRRR exceed the other Mods, mentioned on this thread.
Secondly, it didn't really have to do with any other Mod being inadequate, and not doing their job----it had to do with..... Why would there ever be a time, on this site, when we were TOTALLY devoid of Mods? I feel that must've been the case, in the example, I provided, with the spam threads reaching, around 40, and being there, for quite some time.
Now, I totally understand that the Mods have their own lives----but, let's say there are Mods who have jobs / school / whatever (those times that Mods absolutely can't be here), I feel that should be taken into consideration, when appointing Mods----just as it should, IMO, be taken into consideration, what part of this country, one lives-in, what part of Europe, and other countries; we have enough people here, from ALL time zones, I think, so that the site CAN be covered, 24/7 (as it SHOULD be, IMO).
Now, I also understand that life will throw us, curves, and that at those times, it would be understandable that a Mod couldn't be held-to their time-slot, or whatever----but, NO Mods were available, for all-that-time? Then, something else, is wrong, or something.....
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
Having a team of mods with 24/7 professional-level service is something I might expect from a paid site, but I wouldn't expect it from a free site. Alex and the mods are giving us a free space to discuss autism issues, and they have no obligation to even continue to provide the service, since we're not paying customers.
I'm not trying to invalidate any of the actual complaints, it's just my own attitude that when it comes to free internet sites, if you disagree with the management, and don't like how the site is run, then don't waste your time there.
Unfortunately in the case of autism communities, there aren't many others, and this is the best one I've found. Yes, the platform is old and wonky, I'm not a fan of ads that hijack my browser and take me to another site, CloudFlare crashes regularly, and the spam has been out of control this past year or so.
But it's being provided for free, and I understand that better service probably costs more money. I personally can't afford to pay for a subscription site (not that one exists for autism, that I know of?) - so I'm just grateful that it works at all, and there is a place I can visit, to interact with 'my people', because I don't know any other autistics in real life.
As for the quality of the community, and the moderators' decisions, again I think we have to keep in mind that these are volunteers, doing the best they know how. They're not getting paid, they're volunteering for free, and they don't owe us anything, whatsoever. They're doing it because they care about maintaining a supportive community for autistics, and they take on the responsibility of being the 'bad guy' in dealing with interpersonal disputes, which is a thankless job.
Go ahead and label me as a butt-kisser or whatever, but to me it's just basic decency to be respectful and appreciative to people who volunteer their time and energy to provide this community for us, rather than bashing them for their shortcomings. I can understand the need to speak out in cases of unfairness (and I'm not making a judgment on that one way or another) - I just think we need to keep it in perspective, that these are volunteers, who are doing the best they know how, to keep the peace between members who (let's face it) are not brilliant at getting along socially.
I have times when I can't deal with the social climate of this forum, and have to take extended breaks. I completely understand being frustrated, when members are allowed to get away with behavior that is disrespectful and antagonistic. But even so, I truly believe that the moderators are doing the best they know how, and that as a non-paying member, my options are to either enjoy being part of this forum, or decide that it's not for me, and go do something else.
I'm not trying to invalidate any of the actual complaints, it's just my own attitude that when it comes to free internet sites, if you disagree with the management, and don't like how the site is run, then don't waste your time there.
Unfortunately in the case of autism communities, there aren't many others, and this is the best one I've found. Yes, the platform is old and wonky, I'm not a fan of ads that hijack my browser and take me to another site, CloudFlare crashes regularly, and the spam has been out of control this past year or so.
But it's being provided for free, and I understand that better service probably costs more money. I personally can't afford to pay for a subscription site (not that one exists for autism, that I know of?) - so I'm just grateful that it works at all, and there is a place I can visit, to interact with 'my people', because I don't know any other autistics in real life.
As for the quality of the community, and the moderators' decisions, again I think we have to keep in mind that these are volunteers, doing the best they know how. They're not getting paid, they're volunteering for free, and they don't owe us anything, whatsoever. They're doing it because they care about maintaining a supportive community for autistics, and they take on the responsibility of being the 'bad guy' in dealing with interpersonal disputes, which is a thankless job.
Go ahead and label me as a butt-kisser or whatever, but to me it's just basic decency to be respectful and appreciative to people who volunteer their time and energy to provide this community for us, rather than bashing them for their shortcomings. I can understand the need to speak out in cases of unfairness (and I'm not making a judgment on that one way or another) - I just think we need to keep it in perspective, that these are volunteers, who are doing the best they know how, to keep the peace between members who (let's face it) are not brilliant at getting along socially.
I have times when I can't deal with the social climate of this forum, and have to take extended breaks. I completely understand being frustrated, when members are allowed to get away with behavior that is disrespectful and antagonistic. But even so, I truly believe that the moderators are doing the best they know how, and that as a non-paying member, my options are to either enjoy being part of this forum, or decide that it's not for me, and go do something else.
"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."
-XFG (no longer a moderator)
I'm not trying to invalidate any of the actual complaints, it's just my own attitude that when it comes to free internet sites, if you disagree with the management, and don't like how the site is run, then don't waste your time there.
Unfortunately in the case of autism communities, there aren't many others, and this is the best one I've found. Yes, the platform is old and wonky, I'm not a fan of ads that hijack my browser and take me to another site, CloudFlare crashes regularly, and the spam has been out of control this past year or so.
But it's being provided for free, and I understand that better service probably costs more money. I personally can't afford to pay for a subscription site (not that one exists for autism, that I know of?) - so I'm just grateful that it works at all, and there is a place I can visit, to interact with 'my people', because I don't know any other autistics in real life.
As for the quality of the community, and the moderators' decisions, again I think we have to keep in mind that these are volunteers, doing the best they know how. They're not getting paid, they're volunteering for free, and they don't owe us anything, whatsoever. They're doing it because they care about maintaining a supportive community for autistics, and they take on the responsibility of being the 'bad guy' in dealing with interpersonal disputes, which is a thankless job.
Go ahead and label me as a butt-kisser or whatever, but to me it's just basic decency to be respectful and appreciative to people who volunteer their time and energy to provide this community for us, rather than bashing them for their shortcomings. I can understand the need to speak out in cases of unfairness (and I'm not making a judgment on that one way or another) - I just think we need to keep it in perspective, that these are volunteers, who are doing the best they know how, to keep the peace between members who (let's face it) are not brilliant at getting along socially.
I have times when I can't deal with the social climate of this forum, and have to take extended breaks. I completely understand being frustrated, when members are allowed to get away with behavior that is disrespectful and antagonistic. But even so, I truly believe that the moderators are doing the best they know how, and that as a non-paying member, my options are to either enjoy being part of this forum, or decide that it's not for me, and go do something else.
I agree with this wholeheartedly, and would only add that the mods aren't superhuman: they can't be everywhere and don't see every comment, so it's important for us to do OUR part as members of this community to bring to bring it to the attention of the moderators when someone is breaking the rules so they can do something about it. That's what the report button and the moderator attention thread is for. And no one is without bias and perfectly neutral, so there are always going to be some people who disagree with whatever decisions the moderators do make. From what I have seen so far, the mods here seem to vary from each other in their perspectives and I think this is really important in reaching fair decisions about applying the rules to the forum.
And like Ashariel says, if you really have a problem with how the site is moderated you don't have to participate. But I also think it is important to have discussions like these from time to time, to keep communication between the moderators and the commenting community at large open.
I agree a lot with what Ash said. We also have some very good moderators to speak of at this point. But I feel everyone being too close to home makes everything just that - to close to home!
I think it would be worth having some NT mods. People very distant from the issues and less personal ironically have a more neutral touch in my experience.
Yours sincerely, some dude.
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@ Ashariel:
It has been addressed several times, on this thread, by different people, that we are aware that modding is a thankless job (and, now you've mentioned it, several times, in one post)----and, we most certainly know / understand that they are NOT getting paid----and, I don't think I've ever run-across a site, where one pays a subscription, to post on a forum (but I certainly can believe they're out there); so, ALL mods, on ALL forum sites, AFAIK, are volunteers----but, as I've said before, I don't recall ever seeing anything like this (the behavior of a couple of the Mods, here).
By your own admission, you take breaks from here----and, a quick perusal of your post history shows that you don't travel in the same circles, as most of the users who have posted, in this thread (you, being mostly a GAD poster, and alot of the rest of us, here, being mostly PPR & NCE posters----though, all of us travel). This thread, as I said in the OP, is the continuation of a discussion that was started, last summer (IIRC), and, mostly, the people who have participated in this thread, participated on that one, as well----and, there seems to be, maybe, unique issues that take place, between the users and Mods, in PPR & NCE, as opposed to the rest of the site; and, because these issues are STILL ongoing, I totally understand people needing to continue to post their complaints.
Please consider that there may be issues / events of which you're not aware----and, that what seems to be your limited experience with the Mods, may not be all-there-is (meaning, there just may be another side to the story, so-to-speak - and, there IS).
Also, I don't believe anyone who has participated on this thread, has been disrespectful----and, I certainly don't feel that anyone has bashed, anyone else.
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
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We've had, over the years, NT Mods----some people liked them, some didn't (but, that's gonna be that way, no matter WHO is modding).
I can't decide how I feel about having NTs----OTOH, I can agree with you, that, maybe, they would be more neutral; but, OTOH, I can see where they would NOT be beneficial, because they've never experienced things, the way WE have. I can just imagine an NT Mod chiding someone, for being so literal, or for being too detailed in their responses, or asking what they felt was too many questions; or things, like that / along those lines.
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
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