Cornflake wrote:
I very, very rarely get a challenge for short, quick responses but the more time I spend on a lengthy reply the chance of a challenge increases.
Hmm, that seems like the opposite of something a bot would do?
Maybe that's why copy'n'paste replies have more luck than typing them out the first time.
When I used to PM people on here, I would just type everything out in WordPad first, and then paste it over here.
Cornflake wrote:
That causes a problem because after carefully counting bicycles/boats/hovercraft, an error message is always produced which implies that my post is lost - but two "browser back" button clicks later I am back at my post's edit screen, and it can now be submitted without challenge.
As soon as reCaptcha pops up, I hit the back button and copy all of my text.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...