why aren't inappropriate posts deleted??
Is there any issue here that has resulted in the mods trying to deal with tbe topic at hand instead of attacking the poster who brings up the problem.
Because the only discussion threads I've come across where the mods haven't started harassing the posters are the ones where the mods haven't posted at all in
Whenever I have PMd issues to the Mods, the problems have been addressed immediately, and in each case I have gotten a reply as well.
Invisible and polite exchanges are taking place via PM between members and Mods all the time, whereas all of the "Where the hell are the Mods" style posts, which are public and immediately scrappy, are going to be what everyone sees, obviously.
Invisible and polite exchanges are taking place via PM between members and Mods all the time, whereas all of the "Where the hell are the Mods" style posts, which are public and immediately scrappy, are going to be what everyone sees, obviously.
There are many of us who posts our concerns here because the mods completely ignore any pms sent to them - they can't even write a "sorry i don't feel that violates the rules" statement back. They read the message, do nothing, and if you comment about the behavior happening on here, you'll soon find yourself a victim of the "mod attack"
The mod who publically harassed me first claimed it was because I made no attempt to contact the mods about my concerns prior to mentioning the lack of mod response publically, then complained that I was frequently posting concerns here. If you look at the "how to get mod attention when you need it" thead, you'll see its impossible for both of those statements to be true. He also greatly distorted information and put forth false 'facts" to discredit anything I say - I guess he wasn't counting on the fact that I would actually have copies of the exchange he was twisting around
Did I post an attack on you? If so, please read this before making a reply
The problem is there are so few mods, and they all have bigger priorities than baby-sitting this forum.
We can't expect them to be perfect and react to every single issue on the forum.
If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.
We can't expect them to be perfect and react to every single issue on the forum.
If they find it impossible to be moderator then they should do the responsible thing and tell Alex they are incapable of handling their duties either because they don't feel they are capable of giving the site a decent amount of attention or they need more help. To leave the site owner in ignorance when you find yourself incapable of handling the duty you promised him you could do, is irresponsible and is not something that should ever be done by someone entrusted with such power
Expecting a mod to step in when someone has 5 accounts and is posting harassing messages to multiple users under all of them in the haven can hardly be unreasonabe. Though apparently the mods disagree with that because that person was reported numerous times by numerous people, yet there were mods claiming no trolling was going on and the only reason the troll left (if she really did leave rather than switch acounts) was because members had enough and were posting pictures of trolls in her threads - its pretty pitiful when ignorance of reported problems results in people having to do that just so they can post without being attacked themselves
Expecting a mod's response about a concern brought up to be about the issue brought up rather than a slanderous attack on the poster bringing up the concern is even less unreasonable. If they have the time to write long harassing posts befitting a troll, then they have the time to act like a mod and write the much shorter and honest "i disagree that a violation of the rules occured"
Did I post an attack on you? If so, please read this before making a reply
You might want to read the last few pages of this thread before you stand up for the mods
There are two mods in there harassing people - both of whom are breaking WP's rules of conduct in order to do so. One of them is criticizing users for not posting the names of trolls at the same time he's editing the names of trolls out of the posts
I'm a mod on another site and I wouldn't have to act half as badly as those two guys are doing to permanently loose my moderator status there, and if I engaged in the same behavior as those two are, I'd find my access to to the site permanently banned as well
Why not? have you ever thought about the people you order around to make sure the place is fit for the likes of you?
or is that beneath your consciousness?
I have never seen him order anyone around. And Parakeet is an adult, not a child, like the kids i was talking about to begin with. I would appreciate if you did not turn my threads that ask for moderator help into free for all attacks on other members who post here.
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