I don't think the IP address you post from is such a major factor. I've posted (including this post) from two static IPs that nobody else uses but me (and which are definitely not infected with anything!) and still got the CAPTCHA.
Cornflake wrote:
TallyMan wrote:
It is complete BS and causing unnecessary anxiety to a number of members.
Yep. It's an annoying, patronising 'one size fits all' generality which basically says 'The problem is yours. Deal with it'.
About as useful as those cop-out 'go away' excuses like "Have you tried turning it off then back on?" or "Have you tried reinstalling it?".
It's basically a poorly worded, misleading error message - I hate those. CloudFlare believe, rightly or wrongly, that in
most cases the cause of the problem is malware, but they write the message as if they
know it's malware in this specific case. To a user who knows little about how CloudFlare works it can be quite damaging as they would then waste time trying to get rid of the "malware" and needlessly worry about their data.
Kuribo wrote:
Uprising wrote:
For some reason they don't bother me anymore these days.
Perhaps you'll feel differently when you click "Preview", fill in the CAPTCHA, and have a post that took you half an hour to create deleted by a site error. I've already lost two rather sizeable posts to errors related to the CloudFlare page.
The loss of text, at least, can be helped - see sig link.