RichardJ wrote:
After 3 years of this blasted thing, I have feedback. Every time I try just to read posts it seems as though the site is down! I mean really? Did someone forget that there are thousands of active users a DAY and undersize the servers. All this not to mention the spam problems.
The thousands are quietly reduced to the hundreds now, seeing as site efficiency and updates have gone down. The delegation is passed on, the feedback gone amiss.. when the leader has gone from the site, the sub leaders hold a betting comp for how many users they hate can be picked off.
I like to have ice cream chats, not tittle tattle and outrages because of mayhem instilled by bystanders. Some of my favourite members have been banned for no reason, the reason being they were told mutiple times; which doesn't make sense, told what? Each user is of an age, an opinion and a right to state whatever problem they may have with the governing here and its being let down. In an attempt to keep the place tidy, the housekeeping rituals have to be met, which is highly crass and hypocritical from most of them, who switch around comments and names like bread and butter. I would guess this forum has around 180 active users,maybe every few days, buts its monitored by input frequency not who's posting what.
Having a feeling should be getting across a message not shouting opnioins around, it just makes it all sound so harsh and generally boring, the user will end up fasting on their front porch, or cry themselves to sleep.
The only change I see is that the colour scheme has changed and some of the challenges are gone, otherwise, these other governors I speak of are making rods for their own backs, because they like to show who's boss! If that doesn't sound like a bully in charge of other bullies, then what is?
Why are threads constantly being monitored? What user is constantly being monitored for what?
The site is going down a negative, exploitative route. Some of us need reminding we're not perfect. If someone says its alright to call them something sexy that's fine as long as its not being sexist. If it then stops it is for a reason, not because someone has deemed it sexist. Again, depends on topic and discussion.If user says stop, you stop.
Some users are quoting others over and over again just out of mallice and desire for their own hatred.
If some of the words are being twisted here, its because no one knows how to save face or our own for humanitys fate.
Also, routinely check validity of sites infra red codes. We might be getting the warnings, but no one else is implementing the site checks.