So I just wanted to point out some things for those who find this script useful or wish to install it.
FIrst of all, the download link. The one provided in the OP doesn't really work, it is redirecting to a google drive webpage. The file IS there though, you just need to use the following link instead: ... de.user.js
Second, it works in Chrome too. It's rather simple, to make it work on WP, first open the .js file with a text editor then replace the very first part with the following code:
// ==UserScript==
// @name phpBB User Hide
// @include*
// @include*
// @include /viewtopic.php*
// @description Hides/unhides a user's posts
// @exclude
// ==/UserScript==
(Perhaps there is a way to do it on the browser, like firefox, but this one works too)
You can see all I did was add two lines, the whole block was provided for context. When that edit is done, open the Chrome Menu/Settings then Extensions, and drag the .js file into the Chrome window. It will ask whether you want to install the script,, say yes and it is done.
To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Winston Churchill