The thought of Wrong Planet going down uneases me because I'm a member of a fantastic smaller forum, and the effect a sudden influx of WP refugees would have on the community is worrying.
Jono wrote:
AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
I wasn't surprised that the site was down yesterday. If Alex was working on the site's upgrade, then I'll believe it when I see it. If he wasn't, then some of us should consider PM-ing Alex non-stop until he gives into pressure from us.
However, if someone can PM me a list of the other WP-ish sites, I thank you in advance.
I've got another suggestion. Perhaps some of us could try to start our own sites (at least those of us with the ability to do so) and encourage other WP members to join. At least that way, we would be able to preserve some of the WP community when and if this site finally goes. I wish that I could at least try to set up a new site, though I unfortunately just don't have time at the moment and I don't have access to a server.
There are many free forum hosts which don't require any technical expertise to use, although you'll often have to deal with obnoxious advertising and an inability to obtain a backup of your database. is the best free host I've used.
However, I personally think there are enough Autism forums around at the moment and several new ones cropping up at once would only serve to divide the community.
Still, I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a backup forum in place...