Dox47 wrote:
This style of reply, which is my preferred method, is definitely a throwback to early times, and is sometimes called "fisking", or a point by point response. Some people really object to it for some reason, there was one guy in particular here years ago who called me psychotic (among other things) for breaking down his posts like that, and he was just the most spectacular objector. I think a lot of posters are just lazy, I can think of more than a few here who I know can do a line by line breakdown, but instead repost the entire thread quote tree every time they respond to a single point in the most recent reply, and agree that it's annoying and renders mobile almost unusable.
Fisking can come across as EXTREMELY aggressive and arrogant: kind of a "Pitiful insect, I have prepared this elaborate document to annihilate your feeble excuse for an argument in surgical detail. That is all. [mic drop]" thing. It's often done by a particular kind of flamer for whom the related Wall Of Text Attack is insufficiently cutting. The next level is to fisk someone else's fisk, if you
really want to turn up the heat. (I have witnessed that done in grand style.) So I'm not suprised that some people hate it- if you've been on the recieving end of a hostile fisk, you're probably going to see red EVERY time someone responds like that.
You're so vain
I bet you think this sig is about you