Mona Pereth wrote:
Cornflake wrote:
Nades wrote:
Anyway. I hope I'm right in assuming the notification problem isn't related to the recent intrusion.
It's been steadily getting worse over the past few months.
Once upon a time updates came in thick and fast but now I'm lucky to get anything at all.
Have you checked your spam folder?
Oh please...
If they aren't in your personal spam folder, it's also possible that your email provider or your Internet provider is rejecting WP notifications as spam, somewhere upstream.
They're not.
Same provider, same local setup - notifications reliably arrived, quickly, sometimes with intermittent patchy delivery but usually resuming normality soon after. Over the past few months it's been getting steadily worse.
Given that this site hasn't been updated in a long time, it is probably years out of date regarding the endless cat-and-mouse game between spammers and legitimate automatically-sent email. The messages might lack some required headers, for example.
Nothing to do with legit mail from WP - or indeed any mail with WP headers || source || subject(s) sent to me, even if they
were being spoofed (none to date). I also spend a good deal of my time here monitoring new member registrations for trolls/spammers and other likely miscreants.
How would the lack of site updates have any impact on spammers operating independently and externally to WP?
(I don't have the details handy, but I do know that email systems have gotten fussier and fussier about various required headers.)
My mail server isn't (although it probably should) - I get to see everything hitting my borders.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.