Pikachu wrote:
is this a valid kick reason?
I don't really think it is
[22:13] * You were kicked from #wrongplanet by bbabyface (annoying me)
22:13 -!- Pikachu was kicked from #wrongplanet by bbabyface [annoying me]
Well, I will tell you this, Katesmith was made a channel operator without any input from me. It was done without informing me, without asking my opinion, etc. when I was gone and at the International Conference on Information Warfare for school. I am not the only channel operator who was blind sided by that action either.
I don't care that a person wants to help, I don't care that they are a regular user of the room, that they try to be nice, that they want to unban people, that they've been around a long time, etc. Those are not the traits for a good channel operator, a good channel operator has to be able to set aside personal differences when dealing with messes in channel. A good operator has to be able to realize who is responsible for what when a fight breaks out, and deal with stopping it effectively, and then attempt to address the issues with that person to prevent it happening again. A good operator *HAS* to ban people at times for the good of the rest of the channel. And most of all, a good channel operator should no op themselves and threaten to kick, or kick people, just because that person said or did something the operator didn't like, or the operator just doesn't like the person so decides to pick on them!
I won't even get into the technical things a channel operator has to understand to do their job! Quite frankly, there have been a number of actions over the past few months in channel that have completely disgusted me, including attacks on the channel by some ops because they were bored and wanted some fun! (thankfully those people are no longer channel operators, I saw to that!) I wish I had the time to be in channel more atm, but as school semester is ending, I don't right now, but if things go my way, hopefully I'll be able to help fix up the channel more shortly. If not, or if others continue to do stupid things (like inviting known trolls back, attacking the channel for their own fun, etc.) I will be leaving, and with me will go all the protection and effort I've been putting into helping!