Are there members here who are nazis

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Are there members here who are nazis
Yes ( 1 or 2 members ) 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
Yes ( 5 - 10 members ) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Yes ( 10+ members ) 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
No 16%  16%  [ 3 ]
Don't Know 32%  32%  [ 6 ]
I'm the only one here who doesn't goosestep 42%  42%  [ 8 ]
Total votes : 19


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06 Jun 2020, 2:42 am

The_Walrus wrote:
I think XFG’s post is probably the most sensible one a moderator could make right now.

Usually autistic white supremacists (or equivalent) aren’t very good at keeping it under their hat and get banned quite quickly. Allistic White supremacists often take a very different approach where they sanitise their beliefs as much as possible.

I think we have exactly one non-banned user on here who at one point made a habit of routinely posting far-right content. When challenged by WrongPlanet users he said he didn’t entirely agree (particularly with the outright racist bits) but he has since toned it back significantly.

There are also a couple of users who I think are better understood as grumpy rather than actually racist who might occasionally say something like “these people make me want to be a Nazi” or words to that effect. Again, don’t think those people are actually as far right as they might claim.

Oh and there’s Raptor of course :lol: He’s not really around any more but he was an ordinary US Republican who got accused of being a Nazi a lot by our Democratic users (I should say this was when TallyMan ran the show before anyone jumps down my throat :wink:). In response to that, he started LARPing a lot, things like saying he used to be married to Eva Braun, or that you could tell he was a Nazi because of his support for tax cuts or whatever.

Autistic Nazis/neo-Nazis?
You can see why I have a problem comprehending something like that?

Hitler would have had them sterilised at the least. :roll:

Sea Gull
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06 Jun 2020, 3:28 am

Pepe wrote:
To be clear,
You are talking about NT fascists?

That's what I would of guessed or they are lying about their autistic status.

So unscrew my head
And rinse it out
Polish my thoughts
Turn into doubts


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06 Jun 2020, 6:20 am

We have Alt-Right types here....but definitely no blatant neo-Nazis.

David Duke tried to present us with “the KKK with a pretty face.”


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06 Jun 2020, 10:18 am

Pepe wrote:
You mean autistic Nazis?
How stupid would you have to be, to be on the spectrum, and embrace a philosophy that considers us as inferior

I've noticed autistic people who embrace some questionable ideology in regards to their autism, such as eugenics. To be fair, those people are usually something similar to what people call an "incel", and I don't see a lot of autistic older adults with those kinds of views.

If there are full on autistic Nazis I wonder if they ever consider the fact they would have been killed simply for, y'know, existing. Maybe they don't care about that, though.


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06 Jun 2020, 10:20 am

Pepe wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
I think XFG’s post is probably the most sensible one a moderator could make right now.

Usually autistic white supremacists (or equivalent) aren’t very good at keeping it under their hat and get banned quite quickly. Allistic White supremacists often take a very different approach where they sanitise their beliefs as much as possible.

I think we have exactly one non-banned user on here who at one point made a habit of routinely posting far-right content. When challenged by WrongPlanet users he said he didn’t entirely agree (particularly with the outright racist bits) but he has since toned it back significantly.

There are also a couple of users who I think are better understood as grumpy rather than actually racist who might occasionally say something like “these people make me want to be a Nazi” or words to that effect. Again, don’t think those people are actually as far right as they might claim.

Oh and there’s Raptor of course :lol: He’s not really around any more but he was an ordinary US Republican who got accused of being a Nazi a lot by our Democratic users (I should say this was when TallyMan ran the show before anyone jumps down my throat :wink:). In response to that, he started LARPing a lot, things like saying he used to be married to Eva Braun, or that you could tell he was a Nazi because of his support for tax cuts or whatever.

Autistic Nazis/neo-Nazis?
You can see why I have a problem comprehending something like that?

Hitler would have had them sterilised at the least. :roll:

Consider the source. These folks see Nazis everywhere.

What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?

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06 Jun 2020, 9:42 pm

HeroOfHyrule wrote:
Pepe wrote:
You mean autistic Nazis?
How stupid would you have to be, to be on the spectrum, and embrace a philosophy that considers us as inferior

I've noticed autistic people who embrace some questionable ideology in regards to their autism, such as eugenics. To be fair, those people are usually something similar to what people call an "incel", and I don't see a lot of autistic older adults with those kinds of views.

If there are full on autistic Nazis I wonder if they ever consider the fact they would have been killed simply for, y'know, existing. Maybe they don't care about that, though.

Hence, my descriptive.


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06 Jun 2020, 9:48 pm

"Don't be stupid,
Be a smarty,
Come and join,
The Nazi Party." :mrgreen:

VegetableMan wrote:
Nazis? Did someone say Nazis?


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07 Jul 2020, 8:32 pm

I mean there are some Aspie-Supremacists. But I wouldn't really compare that to nazi. Atleast i don't think they would go that far. I might not agree with Aspie-Supremacy. I mean it's a disability. Why are u asking this question. Some people here have questionable view points including myself in the past. But nazis? Now if we don't take nazis to mean of the nazi idealogy and taek that to neo-nazi. I don't know about anyone who'd say that. and I'd also like to point out the fact that in the NAZI idealogy autistic people would likely be systematically wiped out. That being said. I do think this forum can be a bit hateful towards neurotypical people.

ever changing evolving and growing
I am pieplup i have level 3 autism and a number of severe mental illnesses. I am rarely active on here anymore.
I run a discord for moderate-severely autistic people if anyone would like to join. You can also contact me on discord @Pieplup or by email at [email protected]


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08 Jul 2020, 10:01 am

No idea. I don't read enough to decide if someone is a Nazi. I haven't seen any Hitler supporters or anyone being in favor of genocide or denying the Haulocast. Haulocaust deniers always get banned so I've never considered them to be members. I have seen Trump and the Texas governor being a Nazi for saying we need to sacfrice the elderly and let them die during the corona and save the younger people. They also said we needed to sacrifice the disabled. Now that is Nazism. Using the outbreak as an excuse to get rid of people you find worthless, a burden. That is what Nazis did and why so many people died and were executed, not just Jews.

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08 Jul 2020, 10:13 am

blackicmenace wrote:
TheRobotLives wrote:
Some users may think there's a mod bias, because, it seems like "right-wing" members get banned more so.

I can think of two "right wing" banned members that were big Trump supporters and seemed to make illegal immigration their #1 cause. One claimed to be the biggest Trump supporter on this forum.

Maybe the rules are biased.

Maybe the rules favor "left wing" ideas.

Higher taxes, government control, Socialism <--- disgusting, yet, no rules against such offensive ideas
Deport illegal aliens, anti-LGBT <---treading on thin ice

Also, bias is not a negative word, like, dice can be biased.

Love not hate.

She is banned?

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08 Jul 2020, 10:17 am

Pepe wrote:
XFilesGeek wrote:
Yes, there are posters here who hold alt-right/Nazi/white nationalist views.

No, I will not tell you who they are.

Yes, they are allowed to post here as long as they don't violate WP's rules.

That is something I wasn't expecting.
That the alt-right are allowed on here.
What is the rationale in that?

To be clear,
You are talking about NT fascists?
That is all we need.
More NTs with an attitude. :?

XFG is not an NT. She is autistic.

Also what you are expressing is autism supremacy.

Like autistic people are not capable of white supremacy and all. That is why we have autistic Trump supporters. Some people think they are just misinformed but I don't buy it anymore after seeing the s**t he's been saying and how can anyone still be supporting him?

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08 Jul 2020, 10:22 am

TuskenR wrote:
Pepe wrote:
To be clear,
You are talking about NT fascists?

That's what I would of guessed or they are lying about their autistic status.

There are black Trump supporters, Muslim Trump supporters, Hispanic Trump supporters unless you want to say all of these people are just trolls or are being paid by the right wing to say they support Trump. Yes I have seen them on youtube and you can't fake skin color.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

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08 Jul 2020, 11:13 am

League_Girl wrote:
you can't fake skin color.

Yep, that Trump orange is entirely natural.

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08 Jul 2020, 11:38 am

We are here to support each other, connect and help each other feel less isolated. Respectful political conversation is fine but trolling is not.

I do see trolling going on.

Saying fascism or communism is a bad system is fine. Criticizing political leaders is ok... but calling people "fascist", "commie", "left winger","nazi", "believer of propaganda"... all of those personal insults is not.

Things like insisting that racism does not exist or should not be discussed is trolling people that are of races different than the poster who have that experience with racism.

owning the libs is a popular pastime with some people on here. Maybe 4chan or Reddit is a better place for that.

I work with a full on MAGA guy and we get along well because I set a boundary against this stuff. He did try to "own" me... even though I don't identify as "liberal" but have my own set of political philosophies. He backed down, and I respect him for that.

That being said there are "left wing" trolls as well but they do not seem nearly as vocal until someone tries to piss them off.

Personally, I will smack down this cr*p wherever I see it (using non-political ideas and their words) then simply put that member on a list to ignore unless they change. I don't care what wing it is or if I agree with the poster or not.

I would recommend not getting involved with them more than that. If the trolls are attacking someone, I would recommend swift reaction supporting the person being attacked followed by silence. I recommend not calling the person trolling names or suggesting that they are brainwashed regardless.

Don't feed the trolls.

Oh... and real Nazis should be banned... that is not a political belief but a belief of hatred.

Last edited by Chain on 08 Jul 2020, 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.


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08 Jul 2020, 11:40 am

TheRobotLives wrote:
Some users may think there's a mod bias, because, it seems like "right-wing" members get banned more so.

I can think of two "right wing" banned members that were big Trump supporters and seemed to make illegal immigration their #1 cause. One claimed to be the biggest Trump supporter on this forum.

Maybe the rules are biased.

Maybe the rules favor "left wing" ideas.

Higher taxes, government control, Socialism <--- disgusting, yet, no rules against such offensive ideas
Deport illegal aliens, anti-LGBT <---treading on thin ice

Also, bias is not a negative word, like, dice can be biased.

Bear in mind here that American politics (and indeed culture) is inherently right-wing, as you have a choice between one right wing party and one VERY right wing party. So to understand politics from an international perspective you firstly have to comprehend that.

The vast majority of ideas that are portrayed as dangerously left wing in America would be viewed as centrist social democratic thinking in Europe and Scandanavia. It's certainly not "communist" as many US writers claim at the slightest provocation. The universal healthcare debate in the US is just one big ongoing face-palm for most Europeans, for example. It is very hard for most Americans to understand that communism is MUCH further left than they think (Cuba and Venezuela are the only genuine examples at the moment I suspect), most traditionally communist nations aren't any more (China, Russia and most of Eastern Europe are all about the money these days), socialism in France, Germany, Sweden etc. is essentially regulated capitalism and therefore centrist, the Democrats are right of centre, and Trump is about as close to Hitler as Castro was to Stalin.

That normally comes as a bit of a shock to most US correspondents, due to inherent bias.

For those who don't think Trump has extremely right wing views, I'd love to know how you reach that conclusion. His entire administration seems to be built around blaming others for problems created or exacerbated by his own policies. He is a "divide and conquer" opportunist taking power away from ordinary people on the premise of winning it back for them. Which all seems vaguely familiar....

I agree you can be a Trump supporter without being a Nazi. But to do that, you have to actively ignore the Nazi-style aspects of his Presidency. It's also likely that anyone who IS an American neo-Nazi is quite likely to be a Trump supporter. The two aren't the same thing, though.


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08 Jul 2020, 1:56 pm

Redd_Kross wrote:
Bear in mind here that American politics (and indeed culture) is inherently right-wing, as you have a choice between one right wing party and one VERY right wing party. So to understand politics from an international perspective you firstly have to comprehend that.

The vast majority of ideas that are portrayed as dangerously left wing in America would be viewed as centrist social democratic thinking in Europe and Scandanavia. It's certainly not "communist" as many US writers claim at the slightest provocation. The universal healthcare debate in the US is just one big ongoing face-palm for most Europeans, for example. It is very hard for most Americans to understand that communism is MUCH further left than they think (Cuba and Venezuela are the only genuine examples at the moment I suspect), most traditionally communist nations aren't any more (China, Russia and most of Eastern Europe are all about the money these days), socialism in France, Germany, Sweden etc. is essentially regulated capitalism and therefore centrist, the Democrats are right of centre, and Trump is about as close to Hitler as Castro was to Stalin.

That normally comes as a bit of a shock to most US correspondents, due to inherent bias.

For those who don't think Trump has extremely right wing views, I'd love to know how you reach that conclusion. His entire administration seems to be built around blaming others for problems created or exacerbated by his own policies. He is a "divide and conquer" opportunist taking power away from ordinary people on the premise of winning it back for them. Which all seems vaguely familiar....

I agree you can be a Trump supporter without being a Nazi. But to do that, you have to actively ignore the Nazi-style aspects of his Presidency. It's also likely that anyone who IS an American neo-Nazi is quite likely to be a Trump supporter. The two aren't the same thing, though.

As Americans, we're told to take pride in our FREEDOM.

We call our country "Land of the free".

On this forum, I have seen Europe/Canada/UK ...

1) have much less free speech
2) much higher taxes
3) life choices are more restricted by government
4) living is condensed (crowded): small cars, small homes, living close together

1. American can say hateful racist things and it's not a "speech hate crime".
2. Americans can easily earn $150,000 per year and take deductions to pay little tax.
3. If a poor performing student in the US wants to become a brain surgeon, it's never too late.
4. Go big and buy that big McMansion with acres of land. Get yourself a big gas guzzler vehicle too. You're an American after all. :) :) :)

So, the best part of being an American is opportunity.

Then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive.

Be the hero of your life.