Mona Pereth wrote:
Cornflake wrote:
Yes, it's my personal email server and rejected/undeliverable/etc mail is logged.
Personal email
server? Hmmm.... Are you sure you don't mean a personal email
client that interacts with a server hosted by your Internet provider?
No, I mean my very own email
server. I've worked with IT for long enough to know the difference.
If indeed you have a personal email server whose software hasn't been updated in eons, I would think that, by now, you would likely be having lots of problems with outgoing emails not getting delivered, due to being rejected by other email servers. Have you had such problems?
No, I haven't. Outgoing mail is delivered reliably and logged as such.
Yes indeed, it would imply a software update somewhere along the line, perhaps in an underlying library if not the server program itself.
Fortunately not everything in IT works in the somewhat messy way it tends to with Windows.
It's not got "suddenly fussier" and even if it had, the reason for mail failing would be logged. I know what gets updated on my systems because I do the updates.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.