Skilpadde wrote:
Yes, that would be nice.
each subforum has its own ID number and people who are WP savvy can change the number to the one of the desired subforum in the URL to do that.
but clearly that's a bit inconvenient so yeah, i support this.
OliveOilMom wrote:
How about the ability to tag people in posts?
and the option to not be notified when you are tagged.
Can we have a closed, yet sticky thread of meaningful Aspie maxims and quotes?
First quote:
"Let's get this straight: (1) Vague hints do not work; (2) Subtle hints do not work; (3) Strong hints do not work; and (4) Obvious hints do not work. So, if you have something to say to me, then just say it!" -- Fnord
that would be great and all, except mods seem to have lost the ability to sticky.
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