Feedback & Responses needed.
(Start of short monologue)
It's useless to pretend women are comfortable here talking about female issues in the womens forum.
There is freedom of speech, but no longer TRUST.
What is causing an issue is that all genders, are made to feel traumatised and stereotyped by their own feelings and emotions in the full spectrum of their life issues.
Women have ones that yes, can be counselled off the forum but whilst on it needs more Respect & Understanding. (Otherwise why have a Women's Thread if its not used for womens issues?)
Its a separate part of the forum after all, and needs to be carefully moderated.
The trans community here are noticeably outspoken about diagnosis and those who remain trans stay in their part of the forum; sorry if that is an invalid guess (It doesn't affect my sex,) I'm not bi- curious enough i guess and...posting for the sake of posting is not normally allowed.. or is it?
The aromantic or sexually acclaimed individuals go where this site governs them and the socially curious go wherever their mind takes them. Unusually, in the path of menstruation. Another thing, is post natal stress, a very serious disorder and women need to feel able to recover from that as well as from PMS and PMDD and not have unsettled doubts about themself from inappropriate input. (I shan't say why men thinks it affects them). Save it for the Haven. Bereavement management has positive effects for couples in there too or in the Parents thread.
Sexually repressed individuals tend to rant in a 'Bump when Horny' specials thread and others join discussions about cats in random and, church shenanigans on Religious threads. Its not the conditioning I'm worried about nor the language although the American tribal language dictionary is still at the frontier of my mind.
Even if this site changes its terms and conditions like more fairness & discipline it's probably still going to attract people. Univeral groups tend to encourage all nationalities so who's to say any different.
I believe there are two subforums for autism related issues and, despite not being broad minded and happy about securing your place in every pigeonhole and coup, alot of us are selectively too informal about our own opinion making.
A poll should start in the Stats section to avoid any conflicting criticism and displeasure of any long running members, parties and participants.
I would suggest that to avoid adult vs adolescent trans problems, to have a thread in the Mature Adults over 30's petitioned by whoever wants this, and then vote for a sensible gender aware female and spokesperson, yes a femme fatal if at all possible because most women like to have female talks, where anyone can't scaremonger or intervene.
There should be a sub thread column for under 25's in the Womens forum and a gender aware thread in the LBT, for those who debate trans issues.
Respect for married women, single women being stalked , mixed bi-genders and autistic male/female issues need to be looked into, as I feel that a general lack of understanding, resources (and responses) has prevened anything being approved, and resolved to accomodate the overall criteria.
((End of short monologue.)*** Thanks for listening ^^^