Chain wrote:
The gun thing is simply a Trump supporter thing. Every single male Trump supporter I know has a gun thing. As far as some people being traumatized... I have had a gun pointed in my face. THAT is traumatizing. It did not make me want me to stockpile a bunch of guns.
Some people are "traumatized" because they live in a right wing media bubble that tells them that they are victims and there is no problem with racism in this country but antifa and BLM marxists and libruls are going to take your guns away.
Real victimization for them is when you try to pop that bubble they live in or offer another opinion. They can demean you all they want for your experience of racism. They can make up stuff about the beliefs of anyone that is not in the bubble (socialists, commies... oh my!) .
If you question them... they get all upset! If they question you and you get frustrated trying to explain to them your views... you are victimizing them. If they call you names like snowflake or leftist... they have a right... FREE SPEECH!
If you question them at all... you are denying their rights and victimizing them.
If they crap in the punch bowl at a party and someone calls them out on it... they are the victims. Not the people that drank the punch.
This is because they are authoritarians. Authoritarians (left and right) do this no matter what culture or time in history they are in. They have a right to troll, demean and call you names. If you point out that people who have experienced racism have their experiences invalidated when they say it is not an issue they say you see "RACISM EVERYWHERE"! ! ! when they have no experience of racism except what is told to them (That the racism is against them).
It is not about autism, it is about basic human decency. There are decent people on the left and the right with different opinions... that is ok. I once made this point to someone and they acted like I was victimizing them.
They are what I call Hat sh*tters... they sh*t in your hat and when you get upset and don't put it on... they get offended and melt like snowflakes. They say calling them out on their hat sh*tting is "PC". They say look! I am wearing my hat! (which has not been sh*t in)
Right now in the U.S. lots of these people wont wear masks because it is victimizing them to have to protect the health of other people. See how well that is going?
I have no sympathy for this behavior. It belongs on Reddit or 4chan.
I don't call them racists or Nazis in threads because I believe in decency... I am not a hat sh*tter. (I am sure they would view that as "leftist moral superiority")
lol, conservatives are getting their subs banned and their asses banned from subs on Reddit. Obviously Reddit is ran by liberals.
I am familiar with all the snowflake stuff and leftists they sprout out.
I notice they are the ones who are sensitive and want to censor people and they are hypocrites. They want free speech, then they should know that people have the right to call them out on their racism and bigotry, people have the right to speak up against their beliefs, people have the right to make videos about them criticizing their video and reacting to what they said in it, free speech. They also want a safe space as well where they can say bigoted stuff without being called out.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.