dancinonwater wrote:
I also just received this exact letter from "miss Nancy". I am super freaked out, but i am so glad to know that im not the only one. I believe that someone should report them to the authorities because they will be able to track the IP address to a computer and shut this person down. I would, but i am only a kid and my parents don't even know i have Aspergers, so they don't know i know about this site.
There is no "person" to "shut down". The PMs are sent by automated bots from organised criminal gangs, based anywhere in the world, but typically from Nigeria using fake (proxy) IP addresses. The PM in your inbox wasn't even sent to you by a human being! Nobody can shut them down. If people are gullible enough to reply to the email address they give, then you will end up with a human handler who will try one of several different scams all of which are aimed to steal money from you. Some are very elaborate, some are obvious to see through.
Many of the bots seem to be programmed to pick on the new members on sites and target them with the scam PMs because they are "fresh meat" and more likely to fall for the scams.
I've left WP indefinitely.