DaWalker wrote:
I have downloaded / Installed MIRC Chat Client
It says that I am Banned from that Channel (#wrongplanet)
Uninstalled MIRC Chat Client
Downloaded / Installed ChatZilla
It says that I am Banned from that Channel (#wrongplanet)
other channels appear to work fine / I have never logged into this channel at all
Does this Channel actually Exist?
It does.
Is anyone allowed to use this channel?
72 users at this moment =)
Is there some reason that I should be Banned?
Unlucky choice of ISP, as we sorted out on IRC.
How much more complicated can an explanation get?
Oh you haven't met me yet have you?
Why is there a link on WP to a Chat page that does not work?
The channel does in fact work.
The java appellete is for people uncomfortable with IRC, as is the now defunct CGI (or freenode CGI). Standalone clients do tend to work better, and troubleshooting your issues was easier from a real client than it would have been from a webclient.