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02 Aug 2009, 1:05 pm

WrongPlanet is the only Asperger's website that I know that hasn't had ANY guest speakers in the last 2 years, if at all (Neuropsychologists specializing in Asperger's and the like).

As the biggest and best website for AS in the whole of the internet (and maybe offline too), we can't allow this embarrassing omission to continue.

I'm appealing to everyone here (not just regular members), to help solve this problem ASAP, as it's the responsibility and the interest of the users to arrange such things.

I, on my part, volunteer to host the interview thread, as I've done on this forum before with members. And when my current diagnoser (top Psychiatrist specializing in adults with AS) comes back from her August vacation, I'll ask her for an interview. But please, everyone, NT or Aspie, make an effort to find guest speakers!

There's no reason to talk about the specialists, when we can ask them questions directly, rather than have them lurk in our forums (as I'm sure some of them do) feeling like they don't have a "hat to wear" (i.e. a role) here. What better than for them to learn from us and for us to learn from them?

Sorry for the shocking title, but I really want to get everyone's attention...

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Last edited by Greentea on 02 Aug 2009, 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Snowy Owl
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02 Aug 2009, 1:11 pm

the problem is that guest speakers want appearance fees so if wp is not going to pay these fees then i do not see any chance the discussion will see any


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02 Aug 2009, 1:11 pm

Hasn't Alex done some guest speeches at conferences?

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02 Aug 2009, 1:27 pm

I think this is a great idea. I'll ask the docs I know.


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02 Aug 2009, 1:33 pm

Jamie, guest speakers don't take money. That's why they're called guests. As this is online, you're only supposed to cover their travel expenses from their hands to their laptop keyboards.

Tim, how is that related to the topic of this thread? 8O

Thanks, Aoi ! !!

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02 Aug 2009, 1:41 pm

And I think any guest speaker who is an ambitious professional and/or avid seeker, can be interested in exposure to 25 thousand Aspies (and NTs) with just strokes on their keyboard from the comfort of their own pajamas and slippers. We could even link the interview to Wikipedia to promote WP.

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02 Aug 2009, 1:44 pm

i know a few people that are in charge of some charities and every time they tried to get a guest speaker the person was asking for a lot of money as a appearance fee so the term guest would only make them not a member of the organization they are speaking to


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02 Aug 2009, 1:47 pm

jamieg wrote:
the problem is that guest speakers want appearance fees so if wp is not going to pay these fees then i do not see any chance the discussion will see any

why would we pay them to post here.

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02 Aug 2009, 1:50 pm

it is not you deciding that speaking or posting to a group of people is how they make a living to buy their house and car with

some people work at mcdonalds to pay bills and these people pay bills by talking and writing to groups of people


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02 Aug 2009, 1:56 pm

You'd probably have to promise to heavily moderate the thread, delete any trolls and close it before it gets ugly.

Off hand, I can't think of anyone who would come away from such an interview looking good.


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02 Aug 2009, 2:00 pm

any and all speakers, guests or not have to be OKed by the owner of this website, GreenTea. Any invitation must also come from Alex Plank.


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02 Aug 2009, 2:02 pm

true it would be nice to see more guests but it depends on how much feedback respinse and views they have, I really don't mean to sound as synical as I usually am but I create and monitor websites and theres an old phrase used by creators, if they ain't biting scrap it. It sounds like Alex thought no one was really looking at it and decided to not bother further alo there's what way Alex wants the website and community to go by, the one stop shop for autistics and check out allthe ht new aspie/autistic news or does he want it to be the sought out private sanctuary of advice and a reletivly small community fr instance out of 25,000 people by vast minority I have seen less than 1000 use the forums so it means either 24 000 simply don't bother with the forum or 24 000 infrequently visit the site now if you want interviews and documentrys youtube and hulu have plenty and alo I think alex is in his second year or third year of collge doing computing engineering and web design most of the time he's busy and he probably has people to talk to in life an he has a girlfriend

one thing you also have to watch especially as a creator but overseer is the usurp effect the website is alex's trademark and he has creative control I think some people would honestly by p**sed if you are stepping all over areas they monitor and upgrade I know if someone started posting comics on my comic site I'll be pretty annoyed so theres that to also consider and plus it is a community and you can say we're the community but there's the say for example if you got that helen woman that autstuc writer and the cassandra effectt woman on an interview as currently she is in a case for fraudulant advice and having an interview with her would suitably dellude the potency of the community so theres also the factor of content

I hope you can understand my angle as I take monitoring my site seriously and I mod for other forums so its an area I kind of know well and the ethics and problems

linking wikipedia is not necessarly a good thing lol its a website known fo debunked evidence and facts so I don't think a professional especially a professor would jump at wikipedia links here in the uk at university and medicine you are warned and punished for wikipedia use I don't know the state in the middle east or US but in the UK professioals pretty much spit on the name wikipedia and we honeslty joke about it


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02 Aug 2009, 2:04 pm

Sooo... you ask Alex before you ask the speaker... that's kind of a "duh" thing, after all, the speaker would be assumed to be approved by the web site in general, so it's only polite to ask.

Then again you can't really assume the tricks of politeness are going to be generally known among a bunch of aspies like us :)

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02 Aug 2009, 2:09 pm

yeah, yeah they always say the same before any new endeavor, but proof is that the interviews of members carried out on this forum by me never had the slightest problem, no one even thought of becoming nasty, there was no reason.

And since nothing of the sort has ever happened on any other AS website forum, I don't see why people believe that on WP of all forums, people are too aggressive/wild/nasty to respect a human being and have an interesting endeavor in peace. And trolls can appear anywhere, not necessarily in a serious interview. So you just delete their post and that's all. What are the mods for, anyway.

Jamie, some lecturers-for-fees might call themselves guest speakers to make it look nicer. However, they are NOT guest speakers, they're ENTERTAINERS. A REAL guest speaker is someone who has a personal/professional interest in the audience they're talking to and with, they're talking to an audience that can make a change in the area they're interested in developing for themselves or the world. Of course, if we ask someone to come here to teach us ceramics or horse-riding, they'll charge money.

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02 Aug 2009, 2:10 pm

Aoi wrote:
I think this is a great idea. I'll ask the docs I know.

make sure they use the 'Contact Us' link and send an Email to Alex to consider, FIRST, Aoi. After all it is his site, and this whole concept hasn't been run past him yet.


Alis volat propriis
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02 Aug 2009, 2:18 pm

Of course you do lol if someone done an interview on my site with no advance warning or regard I'll ban them simple as that simply because I'm the boss of the site I don't want people don't things behind my back especially if its a rival or someone discredited for example if I had an artist who was freaking copying other people's patents, theories, content I would ban them if they done I copy of design an patent I'd bloody sue them

When Alex is concerned most psychologists pretty much follow the same routine when it comes to autsim and you have to really watch who you have on for example an aspie who is really anti to someohing for example parenting by NTs that when you get into trouble not only with community but you could have action groups saying oh wrong planet is anti NT it should be closed and it delluded wrongplanets excellent communiy