Spokane_Girl wrote:
I have one friend here who got Alex to ban his account so he can sign up for a new account because his ex was stalking him on here by following his posts to use against him in court. Now he doesn't come here anymore. Having to hide from a member is ridiculous because then you can't be yourself and you have to be very careful what you talk about and say about yourself or else he or she would know who you are.
we seem to thing we are somehow exempt from people using our words against us, but being on the Spectrum is no defense from being open on the internet. Attracting stalkers that are intent on no good is unfortunately not restricted to members, only.
When I started modding, I had to leave the joys of being a member behind, and now, I am so open and exposed I can't even ask for a change of name to hide my recognizeable style behind.
I think of A****U**, who loved it here, but was driven out because she couldn't be herself, and U**1*** who is being reviled on other websites for posting here. No one exempt.
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon