MissConstrue wrote:
Tell me about it, that's why I chose MissConstrue for my username.
I think almost everyone here has that issue, though. For me, it tends to get even more tangled when I try to explain it. And then sometimes an apology ends up getting turned around on you, so you apologize for a misunderstanding and suddenly you've like admitted that you did something wrong besides just not understand something. There's a lot of word-twisting going on around here that I'm really not liking. I don't think the twisting is an aspie thing, though.. Most aspies seem perfectly willing to admit that they could have misinterpreted something. Then there are others who seem like they purposely twist things and then start making accusations.
Wouldn't a designated like form-style thread maybe help? Like where you can go to say "I meant to say this but someone thinks I said this" and get feedback about it.. or "I thought somebody said this but now they're saying they didn't mean that, does it make any sense?" Cause I also find that I'll end up being manipulated that way. Someone will say something nasty, and then say that they didn't mean it that way, and then I'll feel guilty that I interpreted it to mean what it actually did mean, but they won't admit.
Most aspies seem to wish for formulaic ways of doing and saying things.. I think we should come up with a formula for dealing with things we misunderstand. Wouldn't it make it easier to understand? I would think.. or maybe I'm just crazy.. or maybe I'm crazy and right.