Me and Tim Tex were attacked in this thread. I reported this abuse to a mod. The mod said that the person did nothing wrong. But other people have reported being attacked by me and I get a warning. But when I feel the same way, nothing is done about it.
Another mod told me that if anyone feels attacked they have a right to report it and something will be done about it. The mod told me everyone should feel comfortable and welcome here. So when I say something that someone feels is an attack, I get warned. But if I feel attacked by someone else and report, nothing is done about it.

Joined: 14 Sep 2009
Gender: Male
Posts: 9,011
Location: 200 miles south of Little Rock
If I were to hear something like that from someone who has been around here for a long time and is well-respected, I would take heed. Nevertheless, I certainly do understand how you feel.
I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.
Another mod told me that if anyone feels attacked they have a right to report it and something will be done about it. The mod told me everyone should feel comfortable and welcome here. So when I say something that someone feels is an attack, I get warned. But if I feel attacked by someone else and report, nothing is done about it.
Some people will always get preferential treatment over others depending on how well they are known, how controversial tthey are, how popular they are, etc. As much as people claim to be fair and balanced, in reality they rarely ever are. Even among Aspies prejudice exists and those pleading for "tolerance" and "openmindedness" tend to be the most intolerant and least openminded.
If I would speak freely about my sociopolitical views, I would probably get banned in less than a week just for saying what I know to be true.
when i say what my beliefs are and what i really think about things other than purely my own experience, i get lambasted on this site.
my response to a thread about racism resulted in me being called a racist bigot and a small minded person.
my response to a thread about homosexuality resulted in me being called a homophobe .
my response to an animal rights thread resulted in me being called a crazed tree hugging smelly hippie.
my response to any science based thread results in my level of education being used to tell me i am an uneducated and unintelligent person who is incapable of contributing anything of worth to the thread.
my response to parents who ask what their AS child may be thinking results in me being called a childless person who is incompetent to answer (even though i remember how i thought as an AS child).
etc etc etc...
after i ceased saying things that were not directly related to me, i was not berated any more.
so what.
i forget completely who misunderstood me, and i never thought it was that important.
what i know (in my case) is that i can never force anyone to like me, and if they do not like me then that is the end of the matter.
if people who do not like me mount a campaign to influence others to also dislike me, then those who subscribe to that campaign are also people who's opinion i care not for.
i have no friends in real life and i have no friends here, but i still breathe well and eat well and can sleep well.
i do not understand why you wish to censor (via moderators) those who you perceive are unkind to you. they will not become kind to you even if a moderator tells them to.
it is well to see that people judge things through the filter of their personality and mindset.
it does not make you bad if people think you are bad, and if they coerce others to agree with them, then it still does not make you bad.
i feel both sorry for you and dismissive of you.
after i post an unfriendly post to you i think "he is as human as i am, and he feels bad, so i should not have said it",
then i will post a conciliatory post to you, but always you say things that are hostile back and i then regain my contention to you..
you seem to be an emotional masochist.
i will not post anything ever again to what you say because you are like a pond that has lily pads growing on it, and they look solid to step on, but when i do, i fall into the murky mud underneath what i thought you were.
all i say is i hope you can feel good some time in the future.
my response to a thread about racism resulted in me being called a racist bigot and a small minded person.
my response to a thread about homosexuality resulted in me being called a homophobe .
my response to an animal rights thread resulted in me being called a crazed tree hugging smelly hippie.
That sounds very familiar. As a consequence, I avoid political debate on any non-political online forum altogether.
I have a bachelor's degree, a validated IQ of 137 and work in Business Intelligence, so they can't pin me down on that

Be careful to avoid generalisations and apply your own situation to all Aspies.

lucky you
i am not going to bother resorting to my IQ score to win points.
if people want to be the kings of their little worlds of wit then i will not argue..
the type of wit they have is not the same as my type so ne'er the twain....etc
wink away. what does a wink convey?
i have little facility for congratulation.
i do not really care about your 137 IQ achievements, and i think you are only using my post as a platform to advertise yourself.
Be careful to avoid generalisations and apply your own situation to all Aspies.
i do not heed advice from brains that are not mine.
thank you for your effort to talk to me but you could have saved energy and spent less money on food if you desisted.
i know that will be difficult for you to understand.
be 137 with glee, and be successful in the world of people who need your IQ score to use to their benefit and thrive........other than in conversation with me. it is futile for you to waste energy talking to me.
you will get nowhere with me. i promise you.
Last edited by b9 on 28 Jan 2010, 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Actually, feeling like you're "attacked" verbally is the only criterium we have since almost any value judgement of any kind can be considered offensive and we have to way to determine the motivations of someone expressing a value judgement. What may be an offensive "personal attack" to you can be common sense or proven fact to someone else. Either you judge statements by how they are perceived by the majority or you give people full freedom of speech. Any solution in between makes no sense as there is no objective way to both define and spot personal attacks.
if people want to be the kings of their little worlds of wit then i will not argue..
the type of wit they have is not the same as my type so ne'er the twain....etc
I don't use my IQ to prove anything. I only tend to mention it when it is actually relevant.
A wink is contextual and can mean anything from "you know what I'm talking about" to "you know I'm kidding", just like in real life.
I just replied to your post to express that you're not the only one who cannot speak freely and for the same reasons. I'm not an egotripper and couldn't care less how smart people think I am.
Advice from others has been more useful than anything I ever learned. Baz Luhrmann expressed my views on the purpose of advice in his famous "Sunscreen song" :
Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of
fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth.
I don't follow people's advice when I think it's stupid, but I at least always listen to what they have to say.
I don't need my IQ score in real life (Mensa membership is not worth the entrance fee), but I do need my intelligence to have a more or less normal social life, job and/or relationship without losing track of my household. It definitely makes life as an Aspie easier when you brains can process information faster than 99% of the general population.
Only because you don't allow it.....
Acually it does. I was told by a mod that even if the person that wrote something did not mean to attack some, if another member feels like you are attacking them then that person is not comfortable. Every member here has a right to feel welcome.
Acually it does. I was told by a mod that even if the person that wrote something did not mean to attack some, if another member feels like you are attacking them then that person is not comfortable. Every member here has a right to feel welcome.
As I said, feeling like you're "attacked" verbally is the only criterium we have since almost any value judgement of any kind can be considered offensive and we have to way to determine the motivations of someone expressing a value judgement. What may be an offensive "personal attack" to you can be common sense or proven fact to someone else. Either you judge statements by how they are perceived by the majority or you give people full freedom of speech. Any solution in between makes no sense as there is no objective way to both define and spot personal attacks....
The problem lies with people who are very intolerant with other people's opinions and thereby easily offended. "Aspies for Freedom" is filled with that kind of people and it is a major restraint on the free expression of ideas, which makes atmosphere into close to Orwellian totalitarianism... even when applying the "if the majority is offended" rule (just because so many people there are radical liberals who tolerate no dissent). That's why I would personally go for full freedom of speech as much as the others of the server this forum is based on allow.
This forum seems to have some of the same problems "Aspies for Freedom" but far less extreme. I sincerely hope it stays that way or (ideally) that it would evolve into a place where people have actual freedom of speech, however when you allow one or a few individuals feeling offended as a criteria for personal attacks, the road to totalitarian censorship is very short.
I, for one, can definately see how Ken could have taken HaleBopp's post as an attack and I do not believe that he was wrong in doing so. People in the thread said things like "Well you've done worse and blah blah blah" but I do not think Ken's prior behavior should have anything to do with the current discussion at hand. It seems like a bias against Ken has been formed based on his previous attacks and generalizations. Again, not that that is entirely wrong. Just that I do not think prior incidents should color the view of a completely seperate situation. As the saying goes: "Two wrongs don't make a right."
IMO HaleBopp's coment was also a generalization and a personal attack on Ken whether it is "true" or not. In Ken's experience, his comments about women are "true" as well. There is no difference between what HaleBopp did and what Ken has done in the past - express a negative personal opinion.
I might even go so far as to say that Ken's past attacks are actually less inappropriate than HaleBopp's because Ken has made generalizations about people in general or a gender in general. HaleBopp's comment was directly aimed at Ken.