are we allowed to talk about linking?
Is it safe to talk about the issue of linking to other sites, without running the risk of being banned (I will not mention any specific links, just the concept of linking in general)?
I would like to have a discussion about linking, exactly what is allowed, what isn't allowed, and if the current standards are healthy for WrongPlanet.
I will not mention any specific links.
If the answer is "no," I will not proceed.
You are permitted to link to sites which do not violate site guidelines (ie don't link to sites with porn, swearing, illegal content like warez, copyright violations, etc) as long as the link is relevant to the discussion. Your post cannot consist entirely of link(s) or mainly be a bunch of links. You cannot create a topic with the sole purpose of "spamming" or promoting another site.
No one has ever been banned for posting links to wrongplanet except for a pm spammer/scammer who was trying to trick people into giving him money a long time ago although I don't know when that happened since don't think I was the one who banned him.
I hope this helps.
I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:
(Gotta go to bed now, I'll see your reply tomorrow.)
We have a Links section of the site. Anyone can add a link there so a forum would be redundant.
I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:
Well it wouldn't necessarily be redundant; for instance, if there is a particular member here who is admired, then if that person posted a particular link it might draw more attention from that person's endorsement. So say I really like kolrabi's post, and then I notice in a links forum that he posted a link, I might be more interested in looking at it. It creates another layer of humanity to the site.
I just have a few more questions about the linking policy:
What is your definition of "spam?" Isn't "spam" usually associated with off-topic commercialisim? Isn't it by definition impossible to "spam" with a link to another aspie site, if WP is a support group for people with Asperger's?
What exactly do you mean by "useful content?"
Can members who have a high postcount, and who have been members for a while, but who do not post with much frequency (such as myself) post a link to an AS site in their signature?
And finally, is it true, that there is one particular AS board that is not allowed to be linked from here? I have wondered if this is just a rumor.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, Alex.
No one has ever been banned for posting links to wrongplanet except for a pm spammer/scammer who was trying to trick people into giving him money a long time ago although I don\'t know when that happened since don\'t think I was the one who banned him.
I hope this helps.

I asked you a question regarding this statement, instead of answering it you deleted it, along with a comment from a former moderator. Why do you have such a problem with giving people straight, honest answers, Mr. Plank?
I quoted a post which had been made by PeterMacKenzie, in which he attempted to explain where all the high posting members had gone, since the other regulars had noticed their absence - not surprising, considering that between them they have made around a quarter of ALL the posts made to this forum. In response to this post, you banned him, and deleted his comments. Again, I would like to know how he breached this site\'s TOS, and as a longstanding member, he was allowed to post links, according to your own post above.
Now, is it just me, but as a support site and community for people on the autistic spectrum, should really be preventing its members from finding their old friends?
Please, if you have any interest in the interests of your members, answer my question instead of deleting this post.
En_una_isla, in theory, we are allowed to link to other sites or discuss linking to other sites as long as they fit within the site guidelines. In practice, however, several people have been banned because of this.
Alex, please follow the guidelines that you've set down for everyone else. If people are going to be banned for posting links to On The Spectrum, then that did NOT fit into the guidelines that you've just laid out. The other AS and autism sites online that people have been linking to don't break any of the guidelines that have been clearly laid out.
As for members not posting as much as they have been usually in the past, several of them have been banned without explanation as to why. Alex, you owe it to them to at least explain to them why they were banned in the first place. Is that not one of the regulations that you laid out for the moderators (back when this was actually a functional site) yourself?
Most of the other members who haven't been banned have found elsewhere to go and other stuff to do with their time where they might actually be appreciated for the effort they put into what they write and where people are civil to one another and the moderators don't simply delete threads on their whims.
She's absolutely right.
En_una_isla, in theory, we are allowed to link to other sites or discuss linking to other sites as long as they fit within the site guidelines. In practice, however, several people have been banned because of this.
Alex, please follow the guidelines that you've set down for everyone else. If people are going to be banned for posting links to On The Spectrum, then that did NOT fit into the guidelines that you've just laid out. The other AS and autism sites online that people have been linking to don't break any of the guidelines that have been clearly laid out.
As for members not posting as much as they have been usually in the past, several of them have been banned without explanation as to why. Alex, you owe it to them to at least explain to them why they were banned in the first place. Is that not one of the regulations that you laid out for the moderators (back when this was actually a functional site) yourself?
Most of the other members who haven't been banned have found elsewhere to go and other stuff to do with their time where they might actually be appreciated for the effort they put into what they write and where people are civil to one another and the moderators don't simply delete threads on their whims.
She's absolutely right.
Thank you for posting my message before it got deleted. Why should a message be deleted just because I was answering a question? In what way was I crossing over the fuzzy lines of what's appropriate/acceptable according to the TOS? All I was doing was telling the truth and telling it like it is.
It's like Orwell was trying to say. And, to quote my signature (which is an Orwell quote, by the way), "If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they don't want to hear." People may not want to hear truth (I'm not going to mention any names *cough*), but that's not going to stop the truth from being revealed. I hope you realise this.
Itaque incipet.
All that glitters is not gold but at least it contains free electrons.
En_una_isla, in theory, we are allowed to link to other sites or discuss linking to other sites as long as they fit within the site guidelines. In practice, however, several people have been banned because of this.
Alex, please follow the guidelines that you've set down for everyone else. If people are going to be banned for posting links to On The Spectrum, then that did NOT fit into the guidelines that you've just laid out. The other AS and autism sites online that people have been linking to don't break any of the guidelines that have been clearly laid out.
As for members not posting as much as they have been usually in the past, several of them have been banned without explanation as to why. Alex, you owe it to them to at least explain to them why they were banned in the first place. Is that not one of the regulations that you laid out for the moderators (back when this was actually a functional site) yourself?
Most of the other members who haven't been banned have found elsewhere to go and other stuff to do with their time where they might actually be appreciated for the effort they put into what they write and where people are civil to one another and the moderators don't simply delete threads on their whims.
She's absolutely right.
Thank you for posting my message before it got deleted. Why should a message be deleted just because I was answering a question? In what way was I crossing over the fuzzy lines of what's appropriate/acceptable according to the TOS? All I was doing was telling the truth and telling it like it is.
I think a clarification of how people were breaking the rules would be very helpful here alex
No one has ever been banned for posting links to wrongplanet except for a pm spammer/scammer who was trying to trick people into giving him money a long time ago although I don't know when that happened since don't think I was the one who banned him.
I hope this helps.

I don't see how it would be helpful for me to publicly disclose information on what people have done which would embarrass the banned people.
I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:
I don't see how it would be helpful for me to publicly disclose information on what people have done which would embarrass the banned people.
Well since so many people are apparently confused about what got them banned, why not clarify things? Thats fair isn't it?

I don't see how it would be helpful for me to publicly disclose information on what people have done which would embarrass the banned people.
Well since so many people are apparently confused about what got them banned, why not clarify things? Thats fair isn't it?

When people are banned, they get an email explaining why they were banned and stating that they can be unbanned if they promise not to do so. Publicly stating why certain people were banned on this forum would not be very productive. That policy is not something that we're going to change as we respect users' privacy.
I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:
I'm sorry you believe this.
If I had the time required to sit at my computer all day and delete posts, I couldn't be in the great college at which I'm currently studying and my employer would probably fire me and I have a pretty sweet job (fun and great pay/prestige) so losing it would probably not be in my best interests.
I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:
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