Rosennoir wrote:
I did use the signature field, why wouldn't I?
Anyway that's not the issue. Some of my posts, have my name in the body of the message regardless, and I want them gone.
I don't know why. But it made sense to acknowledge the content of the reply before mine, rather than jumping in with an assumption. The point of that first line was, "if the post above doesn't apply, then maybe what I have to say that follows does apply".
At one messageboard I used to visit, while that board doesn't allow post editing at all, for the same reasons as here plus the idea that one should stand by their words, moderators will edit posts to remove personal information. I appreciate that respect for privacy. Too bad that's not the policy here. Better, of course, not to post the personal information in the first place, but this is the imperfect real world, and some of us post such stuff before we realize we shouldn't.
not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.