I've noticed that the area in which videogames topics are placed is rather unclearly labelled in regards to such games. 'Though the area title includes 'Games', the blurb only mentions gambling and chess, therefore it's not clear that videogames fall into this catagory. The fact that it's also the sports area makes it even more confusing. However, it seems that despite the area being labelled mainly for sports topics, videogames are the most predominent type of thread. Would it be possible to more clearly mark the forum area as being the place to post videogame topics? As it is, it's rather strange to see a forum that's marked out as a "sports and fitness" area being almost completely filled with videogame topics.
~I wanna fly high, so I can reach the highest of all the heavens
Somebody will be waiting for me, so I've got to fly higher~