Mootoo wrote:
It might be just my over-familiarity with wikis and their lovely transparency, but... why could locks be made secretly?! What's this, China with a one-party state and all is underground? Excuse my irritation too... I can't even complain to whoever did it, for their reasons or lack thereof... because, oh, what a surprise, it's all oblique.
To be fair you are making way too many threads in PPR, all of which are based almost purely on your emotions rather than a rational opinion based on facts, and the threads are set up in such a way where there is no room for debate. They are already concluded, unashamedly rhetorical and judge without conviction that paint anyone who disagrees with you as Nazi Germany or that weird moustached villain in Lazy Town.
Unsurprisingly, not all of your threads are going to make the cut and the moderators are under no obligation to explain why to a person whom has frequently demonstrated they will in no shape or form listen to or accept the criticism they receive from their peers.
There are plenty of people who share similar views to you in PPR who can put forward great points and support their positions just fine. I suggest you look at posts from those users and learn a thing or two. Also, try and exercise some self control with the New Topic function. Contribute to other threads and speak with other users you agree with. There is no need to draw attention to your views by making new topics when plenty already exist for them.
I won't disagree there are some attitude problems (on both sides) but you can't blame the forum or its users for your threads which get locked when there are no replies to the locked thread. Take some time out maybe.
Yours sincerely, some dude.