Ugh you guys broke my plan with your blogging sites.
I don't really like the idea of a website earning money of the traffic that I generate. (if any of course).
The thing is that everyone pays for "internet", and yet "we" still for some reason allow companies to then earn from that use even more.
Not to go into this too much, but a big part of my theory on "the crisis" is because of companies such as google, youtube, facebook, apple, ect ect ect, are being treated as "normal" businesses instead of "high tech, modern, digital age" companies that need to be in public domain because that's just how DIGITAL data works.
I mean.. if I were to download one copywritten thing of the internet worth 1 dollar, and then copy paste it 2 billion times (or host it and it gets downloaded) and found out by "the government", I would be punished for committing a 2 billion dollar felony. But the company whole I "stole" it from, never had 2 billion copies of it on it's financial balances, never payed taxes over it, ect. So how am I committing a crime, if the company can't show what I have stolen, let alone -my effort- being the reason 1 dollar got turned into 2 billion. (And, when they look at their own "networth", they can pretty much lie about the worth and quantity of their digital content, because "the government" and "economics" for that matter, only work for physical things, not digital and don't understand it all.)
If I steal a piece of wood worth 1 dollar, and then carve a beautiful whatever out of it worth 200 dollar by expert decision, do I get punished for stealing 1 dollar, or for 200 "because the company owned the piece of 1 dollar wood I turned into 200". Likewise, if now someone else steals that 200 dollar trinket from -me-, will he get punished for 200 dollar, or for 1 dollar?