I mentioned OliveOilMom's attempt as an indication that there doesn't in fact seem to be much support for the idea.
Moderators don't have the tools to create forums because changing the forum structure is not part of a moderator's remit - only Alex can create them and he is reluctant to add any additional forums unless there is a basic need or general, popular support for them.
So first demonstrate your case and any popular support for such a forum by creating a thread, on the "if you build it and they like it, they will come" principle.
I suggest starting it in Random Discussion and if it proves to be popular, I will make it a temporary sticky. ("temporary" in the sense that if popularity wanes, it will be un-stickied)
There is still no guarantee that a forum will be created because that is Alex's decision alone - but at least if you have a busy thread you're able to show a general interest, and that should strengthen your case for the creation of a forum.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.