After being here a little over a month, I have seen that something is missing from the site which I think would be very helpful to everyou. When I first came to the site, I was looking for tips how to socialize more. However, I have yet to find anything like that on the site. I love the forum and learning about others with Aspie. But what I see over and over again is people asking for help and really getting any help. I know that Aspie affects everyone differently but I think we could learn from what others have tried or have learned. So what I'm thinking of is a sub-forum which is only Tips/Guide. I like how the forum is set up but I think by adding this sub-forum people go there to get a quick answer on an issue they have. I don't know what others would think of this but for me this is want I need a Tip/Guide because I want to know how to live with Aspie not what it is. I know I might be very different from other Aspie on this but I think it would help everyone.
If we had the Tips/Guide, I would still like to keep other forums dealing with life with Aspie so people could as questions where the Tips/Guide would not be for questions more of a guide to life with Aspie and help others like parents see that their child can live with Aspie.
I'm glad that my mom found this site because it has helped me but I think it does need a little more on it. By the way, I have been in the chatroom enough to realize that a Tips/Guide would help some of the parents who find the site.
So what do you think of the idea of a sub-forum called Tips/Guide? Alex, if you have questions about it or would like to talk more about it, just let me know. Also, what does everyone else think about it?