The thing with https being used inside the [img] tags is a local, forum software issue - I assume the code behind those tags is "a bear of very little brain" and simply not written to handle https image links. (actually, it's just the same with the [youtube] tags too)
Generally - or with images/YouTube videos anyway, what's available from https is also available from http so usually a small edit to the URL fixes things.
The forum's image resizing adds an extra sizing parameter immediately after the opening [img] tag which would rescale it correctly, but the code messes up the calculations.
It takes the form
On those image threads I have an interest in I often tweak the numbers to correct the scaling. It
annoys to see those images distorted!
To calculate them, I get the original image dimensions and divide the longest edge by 800 and then divide the other edge by that result, yielding either [800:xxx] or [xxx:800]
So given an image of 1024x768: 1024/800=1.28 and 768/1.28=600 - giving the additional tag of [800:600] and preserving the aspect ratio.
Likewise, an image 1536x960 works out as [800:500] - aspect ratio unchanged.
The default, auto-calculated result would be [800:960] which results in a badly distorted aspect ratio.
It's not so much that the image might be too large for the browser (and Firefox also auto-fits an image to the browser window size), more that the image will be displayed incorrectly in the thread.
Clicking the image opens it in another window and it's
there that the browser adjusts the size, so it works out Ok using that approach.
I just prefer to see it displayed correctly in the first place...
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.