KenM wrote:
Its a android google phone. I saw the other thread about someone else not able to access on google chrome. May be related.
Which browser are you currently using? Saying it's the one that came with the phone doesn't help much because your phone company might have bundled in all sorts of stuff, including a browser. Mine certainly did - and most of it was poorly functioning rubbish, too.
I am happy with the browser on my phone. I am not going to get a whole new browser for my phone just so I can come here. Never had any issues except this one. I know its not my end. Whoever runs the site needs to make sure it works.
As Who_Am_I says, it's not like you have to switch over completely and, whatever the reason might be for your current browser failing, several people have reported that there are no issues when running Dolphin or Opera.
Have you checked in your current browser to see if it's blocking something that might be required because of the new CloudFlare checking?
WP is doing
additional things now and your browser may need to be told to allow it.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.