Private messages
I sometimes use PMs to talk to other people on here, but there's some things which I find inconvenient about using them. I have some suggestions but I'm not sure whether they can be changed due to the forum software being used:
-Some feature that allows for seeing the whole conversation in one page would be nice - I find myself having to find the previous messages from the inbox and sent box manually to keep track of what I've already said to a person before.
-There's a limitation on the number of messages meaning that I'm going to run out eventually, especially the 'sent' box which seems to have a lower quota - just wondering whether it would be possible to increase it or allow exporting to a file or email.
I would prefer to talk to others by email but then there's a notice saying 'Do not respond to members who ask you to email them at an external address. These types of messages are sent by scammers.'...
A smile costs nothing

The warning about not responding by email is due to the scammers who sign up and ask people to contact them via email. There is no reason why established members who know each other via the forum and have exchanged PMs already should not exchange email addresses to better facilitate their communications - though it is perhaps better to give away a random hotmail / yahoo email address unless you really know the other member well enough to give them an email address with your real name in it.
If members use the 'Quote' feature provided within PMs you can easily keep track of who said what to who. If they simply click 'Reply' they start with a blank PM and of course you can lose track of who said what then.
There are limits on the number of posts that can be kept in each box. If there are any you really want to keep move them to the saved PMs box. If you do reach the limit of a box, the oldest PMs are automatically deleted when new ones arrive.
It is inconvenient that there is no feature to archive the PMs to one's computer. However, nowadays I tend not to be so 'anal' about keeping PMs and just delete old ones anyway. Maybe you need to rethink whether you really do need to keep hundreds of old PMs?
I've left WP indefinitely.