Whoever is in charge of Aspie Affection (Aspie Affection), needs to remodel the site. I really hope that creator or whoever is in charge of this site is taking notes.
Here are my ideas/suggestions:
1. Take off the dang pink background color and replace it with a dark or clear color that everyone would like.
2. Also take off the "Geeks In Love" image. That image is so 1950's.
3. Include mini chat rooms for those couples or soon-to-be couples.
4. More activities and features like in a normal dating site.
5. More advertising. Just so everybody hears the word about this.
6. Make it a multilingual site. So people can understand others.
7. More distribution. Just so aspie people around the World can be there.
8. More ladies (unless you're against it). You can only see 5,392 gentlemen in that site and 1913 ladies.
9. Include a separate (unless you're against it) section for LGBT couples.
10. Debugging. When I say this, I mean fix the sign up/sign in and other few bugs the site has.
11. A short and sweet, but understandable profile in every user. Unless you wanna include a Biography maker or something.
I'm sure that whoever follow these suggestions/ideas, the site would be a lot more popular.
If you like to add or dis add an idea, or make a comment, please do. I'm all ears.
Last edited by ConfusedDude on 30 Mar 2013, 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.