Spiderpig wrote:
By the way, I’ve never been able to post two or more images side by side—only arranged vertically, corresponding to different lines of text. Is this to be expected?
It works, but needs careful consideration because the resulting display is often too wide and disrupts the thread layout - which then often requires moderator attention to correct.
It's just a case of positioning two BBCode "img" blocks on the same line, ensuring there is a space between the closing tag of one and opening tag of the next - although doing that
also seems to be a good way of generating the "Couldn't obtain smilies data" error...
I'd successfully previewed this post without error a number of times, including a test image displayed twice horizontally, but after making a small edit to the text before finally posting I consistently got the smilies data error - and now cannot preview at all without getting that error while images are displayed horizontally,
despite restarting with a new post using less or no text. I get the impression it becomes a thread-related error, as opposed to post-related.
Since many (most?) image posting failures are resolved by retrying, or making irrelevant tweaks like disabling smilies when none are included in the post, there appear to be many subtle forum code bugs involved here and on balance, it's
usually safer to only post images vertically...
@eric76: Hmm, interesting. There
should be no reason to specify an image size when that is less than 800x600; it only becomes necessary because the forum code doesn't correctly scale images larger than this and I normally use it to cap images to that size.
I did get some intermittent "smilies" errors while repeatedly previewing this post with one occurrence of your image, untagged, (even when making no changes to the post) - however, adding a size tag seems to work well and stopped the error from occurring so it's definitely a technique worth remembering.
Unfortunately, it also ruins a horizontal display because the "Picture resized" comment added by the forum software now forces a stepwise display down the post.
Two steps forward, one back.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.