Max000 wrote:
Thanks. I have tried all of those things a hundred times. It did preview one time only, but still wouldn't post. There doesn't seem to be any reason for it not to post. I'll try a different URL and see what happens.
I've just posted to that thread and annoyingly, had to discard one image because of those errors and use another one.
Lately I've got into the habit of always previewing a post before trying to submit it and usually, if it fails once I just sigh heavily and find another image.
There are also timeout issues as JanuaryMan says although I'm not aware of restrictions on image size - and I spend
far too much time correcting the display of over-large images posted here, some of which have been larger than 2048 pixels on one axis...
Another problem can be caused by sites simply not allowing images on their pages to be hotlinked
at all and while some substitute a "Don't hotlink" image, I suppose there will always be some who don't.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.