Looking into his previous posts Weren't Atomik, and Atomic-Psycho the same person, just didn't user names?
I have been looking through JBM's posts and they seem normal until yesterday.
JBM started a topic yesterday at 5:43PM on the 10th (Eastern Standard Time) that said this:
alex sold WP to me, Now I'm your master!! !!
More normal posts until a topic called "Redmage Is Leaving" at 8:30PM:
Now I have to annoy alex (w/ a small case 'a') all by myself?
But then he started this topic...
Have you ever considered yourself a "Troll"?
I used to spend alot of time being a Troll. I used to annoy users in Wikipedia, I was known as the "Unemployed Vandal" (from my username Unemployed, Living in Basement). I came up with over 15 variations of one users name (EnigneerScotty= Engine Ear Scotty, Injun Ear Scotty , etc.
I'm trying to be good on the W-P.
...there were some sort of normal posts until midday (EST) the 11th, when all hell broke loose.